Home Again:

To address a few issues anyone who thinks I have a cat, much less one named Mr Snuggles probably also believes I am on Jenny Craig and like the brownies nest.

Tampa Was a Blast, As Always:

There wasn’t much drama this year, no urinating on inflateable farm animals, just a few porn chick items.

First was Mallory Knox, some train wreck from God knows where….she proceeded to piss of Paul and Tracy and was asked to leave the show. Since she had no room for the night Pamela Anderson (Metro Publicist) said she could stay with her and her hubby, well it took Mallory all of about 15 minutes before she pissed off Pam and Jimmy and Pam booted her, so on to Sean Michaels room, where she even pissed HIM off….Blonde, white and Sean Michaels threw her ass out of his room…that about says it all right there.

Stormy Came By That Name Honest:

As reported on my KSEX weekly call in the big event was in the ladies restroom at the Nightmoves Awards. Some local chick got in Stormy’s face and Stormy politely warned her not to touch her. The girl didn’t heed the warning and Stormy proved she wasn’t just whistlin Dixie, she wore that girls ass OUT….Knocked out two teeth, probably the only two the moron had to begin with….

All this just prior to being presented the Anna Malle Award, Anna would’a been proud, cuz that’s exactly what she’d have done.

Special Thanks To Paul And Tracy Allen:

Of Nightmoves Magazine, as always it was a blast! Thanks for having me!



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