Belladonna Makes a Fashion Statement:

She shaved her head last night….she is now balder than Gene Ross….

And Samantha Phillips Checks In:

HONEY!!!!!!!!! I HAVE NOT STOOD YOU UP!!!!!!!!!

Have no fear dear, we ARE coming! As you know Mike, the girls and I did our show Friday night at the Hollywood Improv (it went better than we ever expected!) And I spoke with Dell earlier last week on Tuesday (as I was shooting/producing a straight to cable B-Movie the previous Friday up until that Monday before speaking to Dell on last Tuesday..are ya keepin’ up with me?:)) So, I spoke to Dell on Tuesday because I wanted to know the fucking dates gosh-darnit! I REALLY need to get away! I am EXhausted and drained from these last few jobs. I need a vacation, remember me telling you that on the phone? And that I REALLY want to go on a boat with you, and Dell, and Sam (L.) and that I want to catch fish, and how good I am at casting a pole and catching things on hooks, and I also want to have ONE beer despite your strong warnings against such activities. I’m a Pisces dude, and that’s a fish…and that means I take to the ocean like one and that I can drink like one, lol! The combo won’t kill me I promise. Infact let’s put a bet on it 🙂

So, back to my convo, I keep distracting myself, sorry! Well I asked Dell the dates, and she said we had until July, I think, so we picked the dates dude! She was gonna look into fights for the 19th-23rd of June! So here I am all excited and thinking everything’s a-ok, and then I read your site (as I’ve been away from it for like 2 weeks) and you’re saying me and Dell are flaking! NO WAY!!!!! It’s NOT true! Mike, I do not want to be turned into “a turkey” at Thanksgiving, are you fucking kidding me, lol! Never!

So we DO have tentative dates dude! Take it back! What you said on your site! I demand a retraction! LOL!!!!! It’s Easter, retract your sins against Samantha Phillips!!!!!! Hey, by the way, Happy Easter, or Sader or whatever you practice, may it have been or may it be celebratory! and we ARE coming fishing, I swear, on the bunny ’cause it’s Easter. And I don’t fuck around with the bunny. If I swear on it, I mean it.

One more thing, I always thought you looked like the little devil cartoon on your site (as we haven’t had the pleasure yet face to face) and I was pleasantly surprised to see the pic of you with the little hottie Trixie Kelly. You’re not as “devilish?” shall I say than I had thought, which is good. you’re much more handsomer than the devil pic lets on. Just FYI. Anyway Mike, I’ll leave with that, and have a great weekend!

Sam Phillips

Damn, LS might have been right…I’m in way over my hillbilly head here with this one…look how slickly she plugged her show, herself…everything and then made me feel good about posting it all…this chick is sharp. And drop dead hot looking to boot. Ok we will see, you can bet when Sam and A-Dell show up to go fishing….Im gonna be writing about it here!

8230cookie-checkBelladonna Makes a Fashion Statement:

Belladonna Makes a Fashion Statement:

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