Hola Southern Pimp,
After viewing what has to be the second worst company I felt compelled to share my thoughts with you and your audience. With all the shit that Rob Black has done it looks as if he inspired some other ass-wads to continue Rob’s tradition of degrading women. It seems that http://www.subvisionfilms.com/index1.html makes its living off that. While a small part of their offering can be found humorous, the rest is just plain sickening.
Now I don’t believe in censorship in any form. But what the fuck is wrong with these people? Piss Mops? Why in the fuck would anyone get turned on over shit like that? better yet, after all the success of the womens liberation movement would they let a guy piss in their mouth?
I viewed a couple of their different sites. Frank Wank looked interesting. Shit, the guy has a good hook. White trash, wannabe pimp who does his funky little dance before letting in the aspiring porn star. He has his way with her before spilling the beans that he has no contacts in the biz. If it stopped there, I would have no problem with it. But does he really need spit in her mouth and then have her spit back in his? Any need to smack her in the face?
It is sites like that and Piss Mops why every adult producer is under fire. It boggles the mind what disgusting nitwit can come up with shit like that. It makes one wonder if the same jerk-offs were really nerds back in high school looking for payback to the stereotypical cheerleader in modern day. Do these guys feel like big men that they can smack a girl in the mouth and then piss on her all because he’s paying her? Think he’d object if I hired his mom or his younger sister to do the same scene? Second thought, probably not. These guys are the ones who have no morals. The rely on shock value. They aren’t artists and provide nothing more than a venue for degrading women.
Whats more puzzling is why do girls continue to work for them? Has the business become that hard to get work that they have to lower themselves to nothing more than public humiliation? I just cant see why a girl would opt to choke on a dick and puke for an hundred or so…shit sometimes even less than she would get for a normal fuck shot.
I think it is guys like you, that are a true testament to the industry. I don’t believe I have ever heard one bad thing said about Mike South other than someone swore up and down you were really Bubba Sparxxx. You are respectful to the women and you tell it like it is. More importantly, you don’t fuck people over. Why aren’t there more guys like yourself in this business? The only way to rid our business of these dicks with grudges against women starts with the women saying no.
Funny story. Last week, I was shooting some custom content and a girl who I will keep nameless, said she did some work for one of those types of sites. This guy told her that he had plenty of contacts in Tinsel Town and that if she paid her dues, she could be the next big crossover star. Now, she was dumb for falling for it in the first place but man, why is it that these women think being pissed on is paying dues? Fuck, the guys shooting the shit didn’t pay his fucking dues, why should she? More importantly, when was the last time that Warner Brothers was in search of a porn star who does hardcore gagging and then lets a guy wash his cum down her throat with his piss? I am pretty sure Julia Roberts wasn’t on that list. In all seriousness, the chances of crossing are much slimmer but if there was a chance, participating in degrading acts is much harder for Hollywood execs to look the other way on.
To any women that read this: You don’t need to let guys piss on you to make a few bucks. There’s no need to choke yourself on some guy’s johnson to the point of puking. There’s no need to take part in ass milkshakes. (Thank Rob Black for that dreamy concoction.) Fuck, if the extra couple hundreds dollars is that important that you feel a need to degrade yourself, fuck, Ill shoot you and save you the humiliation. I may not be some great director or artist but I am respectful and all business.
I guess it goes to show Mike, that you yourself has made a difference on someone, even if that someone is me.
I am off my soapbox now.
P.S. The bet was a draw since no attempted to answer. No French made outfit for my ass. Thank the porn gods!
It Ain’t Porn Related But: (From www.boortz.com)
Kathy Cox is the Georgia Superintendent of Schools. As such, she resides over what are arguably the worst government schools in the nation. Now Kathy Cox has decided that the quality of education in Georgia government schools can be vastly improved if they will just remove the word “evolution” from classrooms and textbooks. Instead of “evolution,” it will be “biological changes over time.” It’s a nice little victory for fundamentalists who think the Bible is a scientific textbook, and fodder for those around the rest of the country who like to portray the South as ignorant. Thanks, Kathy. Don’t you have something else you could be doing
The Following was Posted to www.gofuckyourself.com the webmaster resource board:
I’m sending a press release out tomorrow and am inviting 10 adult celebs if you will to settle any and all disputes on the poker table.
a 1 table tournament for charity and cut&paste rights.
I hope they accept.
so far I’m inviting
Duck Floored – adultbeat.com
Luke Ford – Lukeford.com
Wankus- KSEXRadio.com
Mike South- Mikesouth.com
Jimmy D. -jimmyd.com
Dave Cummings DaveCummings.com
the guy from – hardcoregossip.com
Jason Curious- JasonCurious.com
anyone from AVN.com
Gene Ross at AdultFYI.com
all of them together at the same table(online) playing poker. I love it.
Duke Floored? Your going to play in our poker tournament tonight? I think it will help you with the stress you been having.
Interesting idea, I haven’t gotten the invite though, I don’t know what the stakes are and I don’t know when this showdown happens. Seems odd to me though, I am a poker player but don’t play for money anymore, it tends to make enemies of friends and it isn’t fun doing that. I don’t play online poker because the art of poker is in understanding the players, something that cant be done when you cant see them, watch their eyes, their breathing patterns, everything about them. It reduces the art of playing poker to little more than a game of chance, provided you play with the odds. I also want to know what the charity isand all that. I might do it.
An Open Invitation To Sharon Mitchell:
I want to interview you, not about AIM or HIV ar any of that but about your thoughts on human sexuality and how that relates to porn, I’m very serious, I find this topic fascinating and you recently earned your doctorate in this area. Email me if you are interested.
1152150cookie-checkAnthony Is Pissed and Rightfully So….Will We learn…I Doubt It:no
Anthony Is Pissed and Rightfully So….Will We learn…I Doubt It:
Hola Southern Pimp,
After viewing what has to be the second worst company I felt compelled to share my thoughts with you and your audience. With all the shit that Rob Black has done it looks as if he inspired some other ass-wads to continue Rob’s tradition of degrading women. It seems that http://www.subvisionfilms.com/index1.html makes its living off that. While a small part of their offering can be found humorous, the rest is just plain sickening.
Now I don’t believe in censorship in any form. But what the fuck is wrong with these people? Piss Mops? Why in the fuck would anyone get turned on over shit like that? better yet, after all the success of the womens liberation movement would they let a guy piss in their mouth?
I viewed a couple of their different sites. Frank Wank looked interesting. Shit, the guy has a good hook. White trash, wannabe pimp who does his funky little dance before letting in the aspiring porn star. He has his way with her before spilling the beans that he has no contacts in the biz. If it stopped there, I would have no problem with it. But does he really need spit in her mouth and then have her spit back in his? Any need to smack her in the face?
It is sites like that and Piss Mops why every adult producer is under fire. It boggles the mind what disgusting nitwit can come up with shit like that. It makes one wonder if the same jerk-offs were really nerds back in high school looking for payback to the stereotypical cheerleader in modern day. Do these guys feel like big men that they can smack a girl in the mouth and then piss on her all because he’s paying her? Think he’d object if I hired his mom or his younger sister to do the same scene? Second thought, probably not. These guys are the ones who have no morals. The rely on shock value. They aren’t artists and provide nothing more than a venue for degrading women.
Whats more puzzling is why do girls continue to work for them? Has the business become that hard to get work that they have to lower themselves to nothing more than public humiliation? I just cant see why a girl would opt to choke on a dick and puke for an hundred or so…shit sometimes even less than she would get for a normal fuck shot.
I think it is guys like you, that are a true testament to the industry. I don’t believe I have ever heard one bad thing said about Mike South other than someone swore up and down you were really Bubba Sparxxx. You are respectful to the women and you tell it like it is. More importantly, you don’t fuck people over. Why aren’t there more guys like yourself in this business? The only way to rid our business of these dicks with grudges against women starts with the women saying no.
Funny story. Last week, I was shooting some custom content and a girl who I will keep nameless, said she did some work for one of those types of sites. This guy told her that he had plenty of contacts in Tinsel Town and that if she paid her dues, she could be the next big crossover star. Now, she was dumb for falling for it in the first place but man, why is it that these women think being pissed on is paying dues? Fuck, the guys shooting the shit didn’t pay his fucking dues, why should she? More importantly, when was the last time that Warner Brothers was in search of a porn star who does hardcore gagging and then lets a guy wash his cum down her throat with his piss? I am pretty sure Julia Roberts wasn’t on that list. In all seriousness, the chances of crossing are much slimmer but if there was a chance, participating in degrading acts is much harder for Hollywood execs to look the other way on.
To any women that read this: You don’t need to let guys piss on you to make a few bucks. There’s no need to choke yourself on some guy’s johnson to the point of puking. There’s no need to take part in ass milkshakes. (Thank Rob Black for that dreamy concoction.) Fuck, if the extra couple hundreds dollars is that important that you feel a need to degrade yourself, fuck, Ill shoot you and save you the humiliation. I may not be some great director or artist but I am respectful and all business.
I guess it goes to show Mike, that you yourself has made a difference on someone, even if that someone is me.
I am off my soapbox now.
P.S. The bet was a draw since no attempted to answer. No French made outfit for my ass. Thank the porn gods!
It Ain’t Porn Related But: (From www.boortz.com)
Kathy Cox is the Georgia Superintendent of Schools. As such, she resides over what are arguably the worst government schools in the nation. Now Kathy Cox has decided that the quality of education in Georgia government schools can be vastly improved if they will just remove the word “evolution” from classrooms and textbooks. Instead of “evolution,” it will be “biological changes over time.” It’s a nice little victory for fundamentalists who think the Bible is a scientific textbook, and fodder for those around the rest of the country who like to portray the South as ignorant. Thanks, Kathy. Don’t you have something else you could be doing
The Following was Posted to www.gofuckyourself.com the webmaster resource board:
I’m sending a press release out tomorrow and am inviting 10 adult celebs if you will to settle any and all disputes on the poker table.
a 1 table tournament for charity and cut&paste rights.
I hope they accept.
so far I’m inviting
Duck Floored – adultbeat.com
Luke Ford – Lukeford.com
Wankus- KSEXRadio.com
Mike South- Mikesouth.com
Jimmy D. -jimmyd.com
Dave Cummings DaveCummings.com
the guy from – hardcoregossip.com
Jason Curious- JasonCurious.com
anyone from AVN.com
Gene Ross at AdultFYI.com
all of them together at the same table(online) playing poker. I love it.
Duke Floored? Your going to play in our poker tournament tonight? I think it will help you with the stress you been having.
Interesting idea, I haven’t gotten the invite though, I don’t know what the stakes are and I don’t know when this showdown happens. Seems odd to me though, I am a poker player but don’t play for money anymore, it tends to make enemies of friends and it isn’t fun doing that. I don’t play online poker because the art of poker is in understanding the players, something that cant be done when you cant see them, watch their eyes, their breathing patterns, everything about them. It reduces the art of playing poker to little more than a game of chance, provided you play with the odds. I also want to know what the charity isand all that. I might do it.
An Open Invitation To Sharon Mitchell:
I want to interview you, not about AIM or HIV ar any of that but about your thoughts on human sexuality and how that relates to porn, I’m very serious, I find this topic fascinating and you recently earned your doctorate in this area. Email me if you are interested.
Anthony Is Pissed and Rightfully So….Will We learn…I Doubt It:
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