Who Was The Biggest Attention Whore of 2010

Ok that covers a LOT of possibilities, what with the whole Tiger Woods thing and people faking Tiger Woods Sex tapes, then you had Charlies Sheen’s little tart and let us not forget the queen of attention whores, Shelly Lubben.

But they are all just mere wannabes compared to the biggest attention whore of them all, the attention shore with absolutely no shame.

He will send legal letters to himself, he will spin any story he can to get his name in tawdry news stories, he makes offers to has beens and junkies to get them in sex tapes, he offers Octomom big bucks for a sex tape, then he offers her big bucks to be a PA then he offers her big bucks to host a party in Vegas now he is trying to buy the house she is living in….

Yes it’s none other than Mr Octomom himself Steve Hirsch, congratulations Stevie you ARE the world’s biggest ATTENTION WHORE!

If AVN doesn’t have an award category for that I’m sure they will after reading this.

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Who Was The Biggest Attention Whore of 2010

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