Things That Make ya Say Hmmm Part II”:

Judging from all it’s posturing and lip service you’d think AIM is all about the health and safety of the performers in this biz.


It seems that the person who refused to take the AIM sponsored STD Battery went and got it elsewhere, maybe he is wise to do so. presumeably this person is Brian Pumper and presumeably he has a clean STD battery from a clinic other than AIM. He doesn’t trust AIM. Why should he?

AIM makes a lot of noise about the health and welfare of the performers BUT

Where is AIM on the things that are really dangerous to our performers?

Ass to Mouth: This practice these days has lead to far more serious infections than Chlamydia or The clap, including Staph infections, strep and hepatitis not to mention about a zillion others. AIM says “Nothing”

Choking: This common practice routinely leads to a terminal illness better known as the old dirt nap…aka Death…When it doesn’t lead to death it often causes brain damage exactly like that you get from a stroke. AIM says “Nothing”

Lets face it the ONLY reason this STD thing became an issue with AIM is because the LA Times made it an issue and LA lawmakers jumped on board.

I’m in favor of mandatory testing for porn, mandatory IQ testing…If you are too fucking stupid to know that choking a person can kill them you are too fucking stupid even for porn….become a politician, probably a Democrat.

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Things That Make ya Say Hmmm Part II”:

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Mike South

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