The FSC Has nothing Important To Do The Last Couple Of Weeks So They Rename APHSS


Since the Free Speech Coalition hasn’t got anything important to do now or for the last couple of weeks they have spent time, money and resources renaming the APHSS to PASS.

No I am not joking, they just did a press release about it….People at what point are we going to say enough is enough and run these inept clowns out of our business?

With Syphillis, hep C and HIV looming over the biz right now and with legislation requiring condoms almost a certainty THIS is where the FSC puts its resources?  Are you FUCKING KIDDING ME?

81320cookie-checkThe FSC Has nothing Important To Do The Last Couple Of Weeks So They Rename APHSS

The FSC Has nothing Important To Do The Last Couple Of Weeks So They Rename APHSS

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