Who? and more importantly Who Cares…..
Now Empire, whoever they are, has gotten in on the act causing everyone to crow about how many Empire Nominations they have. Attention porners, there ain’t but one thing matters in this biz. Are you making money? If the answer is yes do you need reassurance from other porners that you are way too talented for porn? News Flash, the reason most of us are in porn is because we couldn’t be mainstream if we wanted to….hell all of us….
At least 10 drug companies have been trying to develop a female equivalent for Viagra, which has been prescribed to 23 million men since it was launched in 1998. According to Dr. Joe Feczko, president of worldwide development at Pfizer, a woman’s arousal is triggered by complex combinations of physical, emotional, intellectual and relationship-based factors, while a man’s is a simple physical response.
Dr Boolel, head of the company’s sex-research team, said: ” Men consistently get erections in the presence of naked women and want to have sex. With women, things depend on a myriad of factors.” He added that “the brain is the crucial sexual organ in a woman.”
The Big News in Porn is That Kira Kenner has Left Vivid:
Who? and more importantly Who Cares…..
Too Many Awards?
Now Empire, whoever they are, has gotten in on the act causing everyone to crow about how many Empire Nominations they have. Attention porners, there ain’t but one thing matters in this biz. Are you making money? If the answer is yes do you need reassurance from other porners that you are way too talented for porn? News Flash, the reason most of us are in porn is because we couldn’t be mainstream if we wanted to….hell all of us….
Gee Tell Us Something We Didn’t Know…Well MOST of Us:
At least 10 drug companies have been trying to develop a female equivalent for Viagra, which has been prescribed to 23 million men since it was launched in 1998. According to Dr. Joe Feczko, president of worldwide development at Pfizer, a woman’s arousal is triggered by complex combinations of physical, emotional, intellectual and relationship-based factors, while a man’s is a simple physical response.
He left out M O N E Y….shit, any half wit parolee in porn coulda told him that one…He pretty much nailed it when it comes to us guys though.
Dr Boolel, head of the company’s sex-research team, said: ” Men consistently get erections in the presence of naked women and want to have sex. With women, things depend on a myriad of factors.” He added that “the brain is the crucial sexual organ in a woman.”
Further evidence that the whole “couples market” thing is vastly over-estimated. Channeling my inner Madam Cleo tells me I’m gonna hear from Carly on this one….she don’t count, she is over sexed and under laid, over worked and underpaid…..Hmmm sounds a lot like me.
The Big News in Porn is That Kira Kenner has Left Vivid:
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