Remove Your Content Ranks 6th In Take Down Notices

Congrats to Eric and Removeyourcontent.

In a report analyzing the number of take down noticesby Removeyourcontent ranks even ahead of the RIAA, Sony, Microsoft and the NBA in number of take down notices.

It’s guys like Eric that are working hard to fight piracy in this industry afloat even when people in the industry are working against them.

Congrats to Eric that’s quite an achievement man.

44650cookie-checkRemove Your Content Ranks 6th In Take Down Notices

Remove Your Content Ranks 6th In Take Down Notices

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7 Responses

  1. @MikeSouth1226 strange thing about that chilling effects thing is they are only counting blogspot notices, not ones for serps

  2. @MikeSouth1226 so RYC probably has more than that. Chilling only lists 35 for me, I’ve sent at least that many 4 Jeff Mullen alone 4 serps

  3. I noticed that too looks very low but its probably as good an indicator as alexa is 😉

    and you guys both do a great job I do admire what yer doing and the stand you have taken.

    If more people in porn were like that we wouldn’t have the problems we do.

  4. Thanks guys! Their count is really low. I think they must take a sampling, of what comes in, as they are definitely off. It’s blogspot/serp however those are both google. I find it interesting they list us as a principle and agent as well. Lol.

    We will quadruple the number of notices sent in 2011 as we want the top space.

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