Lemmy R.I.P.

It’s old news now but I got a tweet from a  mutual friend on Dec 28th that he had passed.  We knew each other and I just wanted to say a few words about him.

He was a super nice guy, his thick Brit accent was a bit hard to understand but he always came across to me as someone who either never really knew he was as famous as he was or that it simply never went to his head.

We always spent some time at adult shows, which is where I first met him years ago, he always attended and was always super nice to everyone, even those not in the biz.

I once took a photo of him with my friend felicia Fox, it took me until today to find it.  Heaven has one hell of a new bass guitar player…

Lemmy Kilmister and Felicia Fox

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Lemmy R.I.P.

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3 Responses

  1. I’ve met some cool celebs at the adult shows….but nothing tops that moment when late one night I went to get into the elevator at the Venetian and standing in the elevator was Lemmy. It was just the two of us for a few seconds and I told him how much I appreciated his work and he was totally humble about it. We fist bumped and by then our ride was over. Was probably 15 seconds…but it was awesome and one of my favorite Vegas stories.

  2. Sorry for your loss Mike but glad you had the opportunity to know Lemmy beyond the musical legend he leaves behind.

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Mike South

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