I hope you all had an excellent holiday weekend, I know I did! But lets not forget those who have made the ultimate sacrifice to maintain our freedom and our way of life. It is because of those people that we all did whatever it was we did this weekend, take a moment today and thanks them.
Thanok them buy tossing out the sorry bloodsucking, tax fattened scumbags we have in government offices. I’m not talking about everyones else’s scumbags I am talking about YOUR scumbags. If your candidate wants to abridge your right to free speech, free press, free religion, free assembly, to carry arms or to erode your constitutional rights, all in the name of “security” or the “war on drugs” or other such nonsense…get rid of his or her sorry ass. They may make you FEEL a bit more secure, but who will be left to secure you from your government? Every right we have was protected and secured with a gun, never forget that.
When Tabitha and Jonathon Stern forged an HIV test Sharon Mitchell and AIM had no qualms about telling anyone who would listen. When Brian Pumper allegedly was doing essentially the same thing they wouldn’t say a word…..Tabitha and Jonathon don’t work with others, period. Brian Pumper has been accussed of starting rounds of Chlamydia and The Clap on two occeassions.
Felecia Fox, better known around these parts as “Fifi” is in the May 27th issue of Star Magazine. Seems Fifi rents from Oscar nominated actress Ronee Blakely and Blakely has decided she doesn’t want to rent to a porn chick even though she knew ahead of time what Fifi does. Fifi has never been late with a payment or anything, it seems Ronee has a habit of getting renters then tossing them in order to keep the deposit, first and last months rent etc. See Hollywood types will fuck you just as fast as porners will.
It’s Memorial Day!
It’s Memorial Day!
I hope you all had an excellent holiday weekend, I know I did! But lets not forget those who have made the ultimate sacrifice to maintain our freedom and our way of life. It is because of those people that we all did whatever it was we did this weekend, take a moment today and thanks them.
And Then Thank Them Again on Election Day:
Thanok them buy tossing out the sorry bloodsucking, tax fattened scumbags we have in government offices. I’m not talking about everyones else’s scumbags I am talking about YOUR scumbags. If your candidate wants to abridge your right to free speech, free press, free religion, free assembly, to carry arms or to erode your constitutional rights, all in the name of “security” or the “war on drugs” or other such nonsense…get rid of his or her sorry ass. They may make you FEEL a bit more secure, but who will be left to secure you from your government? Every right we have was protected and secured with a gun, never forget that.
Things that Make you say “Hmmmm”
When Tabitha and Jonathon Stern forged an HIV test Sharon Mitchell and AIM had no qualms about telling anyone who would listen. When Brian Pumper allegedly was doing essentially the same thing they wouldn’t say a word…..Tabitha and Jonathon don’t work with others, period. Brian Pumper has been accussed of starting rounds of Chlamydia and The Clap on two occeassions.
Fifi in “Star”
Felecia Fox, better known around these parts as “Fifi” is in the May 27th issue of Star Magazine. Seems Fifi rents from Oscar nominated actress Ronee Blakely and Blakely has decided she doesn’t want to rent to a porn chick even though she knew ahead of time what Fifi does. Fifi has never been late with a payment or anything, it seems Ronee has a habit of getting renters then tossing them in order to keep the deposit, first and last months rent etc. See Hollywood types will fuck you just as fast as porners will.
It’s Memorial Day!
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Mike South
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