English mother fucker, do you speak it? +Samuel Jackson

Ok if we are going to continuee to send billions of dollars a year in aid to thirdworld countries who hate us lets at least insist that they learn to speak our language in a useful manner. I am tired of getting emails with virus attachments that say stupid shit like

“Hi,This is a funny website
I expect you would enjoy it. ”


“This is my first game

you are the first player

I wish that you would enjoy it”

I mean what kind of moron would actually open one of these attachments….yes I know that many people using Outlook Express dont have to open them to be infected but geez. So lets teach these cyber idiots how to write working English so that when they attack us with our own money we can at least understand them.

3560cookie-checkEnglish mother fucker, do you speak it? +Samuel Jackson

English mother fucker, do you speak it? +Samuel Jackson

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