Diane Duke Blew It

That last HIV Positive was an interesting scenario.  The FSC and Diane Duke were eager to leak the news that there was a new HIV Positive and that the person came from a condom only company.  Their idea being that condoms didn’t protect this person from getting HIV.  What they didn’t count on was how quickly the person would be identified and particularly that he was a gay performer for men.com.  HIV is actually pretty prevalent in the gay side of the industry, HIV positive performers even work together without condoms in some companies.

Diane and the brain trust over at the FSC thought this would show the flaw in the proposed condom law. Sadly this illustrates EXACTLY why Diane should be put on the road.

What happened was nobody he worked with had contracted HIV, this by Diane’s own admission, and the AHF jumped all over that as proof that the condom law WOULD protect performers from catching HIV, after all none of his partners got it from him (supposedly) even though there was high risk activity (anal sex) involved.


77020cookie-checkDiane Duke Blew It

Diane Duke Blew It

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9 Responses

  1. Does suprise me come from organization pat self on back ever time fail do some thing right. From leader oranization who does have clue could buy clue does want clue.

  2. Agreed, Mike. When I read this last week, I didn’t understand the point FSC was trying to make. It seemed to underscore the rationale behind using condoms and strengthen the hand of the condom mandate crowd.

  3. RiccoMarin Diane Duke best skin fluter player in history porn seen. It seem there more enough in porn welling pay for her play tune for them.

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