Condom Use In Porn IS Mandatory In California

According to yesterdays meeting with Cal-OSHA, Cal-OSHA inspector Deborah Gold made it very clear, that condom use is, in fact, mandatory. it was also made very clear that employers are required by law to provide training, vaccinations and testing.

This raises other questions, for contract performers its pretty cut and dry but what about free lancers? Is Derek going to turn LA Direct from a talent agency into a temp agency, and raise the prices to cover his additional expenses? Who knows how this will play out.

However it does play out it couldn’t happen at a worse time for the industry. One needs only look at an issue of AVN Magazine to see that we are releasing less than 25% of what we were a few years ago, that’s across the board. Companies have gone out of business, cut production, advertising and PR. The industry is imploding and the market has dried up.

We have gone from riches to rags.

40960cookie-checkCondom Use In Porn IS Mandatory In California

Condom Use In Porn IS Mandatory In California

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4 Responses

  1. I really wanted to post an interesting comment.

    …but then I realized that AVN and certain parts of the adult industry
    just weren’t worth the words.

    Long live the Fish..that binds.

  2. Hello, how would condom use be negative from your videographer standpoint? Also does condom use negatively affect performance? Thanks and Best Regards.

  3. Really to me…I got no dog in this race, I dont shoot in Cali. I intend to remain condom optional. Porners have long bitched that condom use impacted sales negatively. I haven’t experienced that but being Libertarian I generally don’t like the idea of the government telling consenting adults what they can/cant do.

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Mike South

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