Birds on a wire:

When I think of the video companies in Porn Valley the thing that strikes me most is how they all claim to strive for something different, something cutting edge. The truth is none of them really do anything different. Porners are like a flock of blackbirds sitting on a phone wire, one takes off in a particular direction and all the rest follow, when it returns to the wire, all the rest follow. Very few are truly doing anything innovative or new and as soon as one does everyone else immediately follows suit. The whole rap porn thing going on right now is a good example, everyone is in on it all the rappers want to get with the pornchicks and porn is so starved for anything even remotely resembling mainstream acceptance that we embrace even washed up has beens like snoop dog. It’s sad I tell ya..

5540cookie-checkBirds on a wire:

Birds on a wire:

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