According To My Antibody Tests I Am Very Sick, But I Feel Fine

If the antibody tests are to be believed I have Mumps, Measles, Chicken Pox, Malaria, Typhoid, Whooping Cough, Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, Mononucleosis and Polio

And probably a lot of other stuff.

It all began, strangely enough at birth.  I was born in 1957, the Polio vaccine was a big deal back then, and I got one.  They put dead Polio into me to trick my little body into an immune system response, I developed antibodies so that if and when my body came into contact with live Polio it knew how to fend it off.  Obviously I never actually had Polio, or if i did come into contact with it, it never infected me, but I do have antibodies for it because of that vaccine.

I wasn’t so lucky with Mumps, Measles, and Chicken Pox, back in my day as a kid the doctors wanted you to contract these diseases in childhood so that as an adult I would be immune to them.   Seems they aren’t so bad on kids but they are really bad for adults.  There were even ideal age ranges to get these diseases, they didn’t have vaccines back then.  I had them all and my little scrappy body fought them off and developed antibodies so that if I ever came into contact with them again I would be immune.

As an adult I have traveled the world, as such I have been vaccinated for Hep A, Hep B , Typhoid and Malaria, once again dead versions were introduced into my body so that my immune system could learn how to fight the live versions should it come into contact with them.  I have antibodies for Malaria, Typhoid, Hepatitis A and Hepatitis B.

If you are a chick who has ever been pregnant they test you for antibodies to Rubella aka German measles, they want you to be positive because if you aren’t you have no resistance to measles and during pregnancy Measles are a really big deal.

Have you been watching TV lately?  surely you have seen the Shingles ads…you know  if you had Chicken Pox the virus for Shingles is already inside you.  It mostly just affects us older folks….it’ll go away soon except for morons like the children of people who dont believe in vaccines ( I hope they believe in death) you see the Chicken Pox vaccine also prevents Shingles.

Now my good friend Kayden Kross is pregnant….should I tell her I have tested positive for measles antibodies?

Do I have a responsibility to tell sexual partners that I have tested positive for Hep A and B antibodies? OK what if I am a male performer doing an ass to mouth scene do I tell the girl I have antibodies for Hep A and B coursing through my system?

Before I give a girl a good night kiss do I have the responsibility to tell her that I am positive for Malaria antibodies?  That might be a bit of a mood breaker, maybe it’d be better brought up at dinner…Oh just so you know I carry the antibodies for Typhoid.  I can hear her response now….well you damn sure aint gettin any tonight.

Hopefully you all understand this….



86800cookie-checkAccording To My Antibody Tests I Am Very Sick, But I Feel Fine

According To My Antibody Tests I Am Very Sick, But I Feel Fine

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64 Responses

  1. Dang Mike…you been around lol
    WHAT is really pertinent? Which diseases/conditions matter beyond the current disease dujour?

    Btw …if you don’t recall having chicken pox they titre it in pregnancy too, guess shingles isn’t the only trick it can treat you to.

  2. Yeah, I just did some quick digging and it’s old new, but the first time I’m seeing it. Doesn’t that guy have like four kids already lol! Here’s were the argument for Condoms should come into play. LOL!

  3. Where has logic common cents gone from this site. Here big issue Mike agrument men get colon cancer all,s feel fine do not check untill after fact than buy than to late instead get treat in time they die from it. People have hiv look feel fine for long time if all ask John Stagliano he say he cured which is true but hey we make test remind he not. Mr. Marcus according him he felt fine enough give those work with syphilis . I love when people not doctors give out health advice like know what there talking about. Special when person in question not ever long go lameblast people in porn indusrty for what he doing in blog above. Hey people you know what say if you look fine and feel fine no longer have test for STD becuase what point. After all if they test you get STD well to late for testing do any so why test all. My doctor who doctor told me he test my diabetes ever time I go see him becuase can not tell if fine buy just looking at me. He even went far explain that if I feel effects my diabetes little to late stop those effects from happening. So feel little discomfort when some one who is doctor telling people if supect have STD look feel fine there no need get check hey ok working in porn indusrty with long as do not get caught or give some one else. Mike sent when do you know was sick buy just looking at them with out testing make sure there are. I have know people cancer look feel fine right up to there untreat cancer kills them. But they die looking fine.

  4. NO MIKE,
    You dont need to tell your girl you have malaria antibodies before you kiss her goodnight. But if you have HEP C antibodies the YES, you should inform EVERY SINGLE PERSON you have any contact with, regarless of the risk level. Your partner should be FULLY informed of any possible risk, no matter how small. The infected person does not have the right to decide for the other person what they should know.

    And HEP C is a tricky bug. Since Gonz tested in 2010 he admitted that he did not test or have any follow up doctor visits until the CET incident. How could Gonz have possibly known that his Hep C had not become more active, and the state of his infection. HEP C is very often asymptomatic, and there is NO WAY without any monitoring of his disease he could be sure that his Hep had not become active, NO WAY!!!!

    Malaria mumps and measles,antibodies,,,,,apples and oranges when compared to Hep C.

    If an HIV infected person, lets say John Stagliano, has such a low viral load, is it ok for him not to notify partners because he feels he is not infectious?

    Hopefully you understand this.

  5. No ALT or AST tests. That means Gonz did NOT show you all of his results, and these liver function tests are the MOST telling when determining a persons level of illness.

    In order to get the right answers, you have to ask the right questions, which was not done in this ‘interview.’

    Better yet, if a phlebotomist at Staglianos doctors office tells him he isnt infectious is it ok for him to not notify partners of his low level infection?

  6. OK i will play along
    If the doctors at CET and AIM clears John Stagliano to work in PASS and tells him he is not contagious and doesnt have to worry about it anymore.
    Is john to blame if he goes back to work?
    There may well be lawsuits coming and they might name Gonz because they have to but its gonna be CET and PASS that are the real targets….This info comes from an attorney BTW.

  7. Mike, you’re really digging deep in an attempt to defend what this lowlife Gonz did. NOT WORKING!!! Because anyone with a half a brain knows that Gonz’s story is TOTAL BULLSHIT! I don’t care how many excuses you come up with. What Gonz did was wrong! Hopefully you will start to understand that.

  8. OK lets play. If Jesus Christ himself told Stagliano he was OK to work he should still inform his parnters of his status. It doesnt matter who gives someone permission to work, the responsibility to notify a sex partner is the other sex partner.

    I guess by giving permission for someone to work then CET is to blame for Cameron Bay getting injured on that KINK set where she was hit so hard she had to go to the hospital. But hell, CET gave her perission to work, so its their fault.

    John Stagliano, and ALex Gonz are responsible for making the decisions to NOT INFORM their partners.

    CET did NOT give them permission to not notify their parnters of their conditions. This whole PASS system is VOLUNTARY, it carries no LEGAL weight. I can see Gonz in court, “CET gave me permission to do it, it was their decision, not mine.

    Cant wait to see Stagliano on the stand explaining why he illegally had someone else’s HIV test results.

    PASS, CET, TTS, AIM, who ever the fuck you want to blame, none of them ever gave anybody permission to hide their infections from their partners. That is an individual PERSONAL responsibility, that is what this whole bullshit system is built on, and why it is such a failure, because people like this piece of shit Gonz will say someone else gave me permission, its not my fault.

    ANd AGAIN, nowhere in any of the reports does Gonz say Bobbie or Jen told him what ‘the doctor” told them to say. Gonz NEVER mentions anything about the doctor NEVER!!!

  9. you guys need to remember im playing devils advocate here a lot but the one thing nobody has offered up is any proof that Gonz knew he was contagious. Yes there is a big problem here but blaming it all on Gonz is side stepping the real issue…how many more Gonz’s were out there…Jilted knows the answer to that…The system let them work….Im all for fixing that system but i stop short of lynching Gonz…would I lynch whomever cleared him to work…ya maybe. what about Lisa Ann? No….despite her motive the outcome was right. If as much attention was paid to fixing the loophole that allowed Gonz to be cleared in the first place as has been paid to blaming Gonz…the problem would be fixed. now who among you thinks that someone with Hep C could still be cleared to work in PASS? My bet is they could…and not only that they are.

  10. The interesting thing here is that IF someone does sue…..CET, and PASS are really gonna need Gonz on their side….big time without him they lose….

  11. How is pointing out the fact that different medical conditions remain positive for antibodies in the system yet pose no personal or communicable health concerns defending the latest offender to the voluntary PASS and unwritten honor code?

  12. Being right for the wrong reason, a problem that plageus many who know the truth, but are legally constrined by the very same laws that the guilty hide behind, aint that right Mike?

    Lets play another round….Two performers show up on a MIke South set. During the blowjob the guy cuts his penis on the girls teeth, and bleeds in her mouth. IT CAN HAPPEN RIGHT MIKE!!!!
    A ‘group’ decision is made to continue shooting, and after the shoot is over the male talen, a guy named Alex Gonz tells the producer/director, “By the way, I have Hep C but the doctor said its not problem and he gave me permission to work.”

    Now heres the game Mike, and lets just play devils advocate. I know that MIKE would never have allowed the scene go continue with the bleeding dick, but for the sake of argument lets say it happens.

    What Is Mike South’s reaction to what just happened???? Would Mike be cool with the performer saying that the doctor told the phlebotomist to tell me its ok to work?

  13. Or better yet, two weeks later Mike finds out that someone on his set had previously tested postive for Hep C, and actually had a postive Hep c result on the same day he had the HIV test that he used before working for Mike, but he didnt show Mike or the scene partner that positive hep c test he had in his pocket?

    What is Mikes reaction? I think Mike would probably kick the shit out of anybody that did anything even remotely similar on any of his sets. So mike, what do you do when if it happens or your set, or is it ok on other sets, but not on yours? Inquiring minds want to know.

  14. @kate
    Alex was wrong!
    Does that FIX the fact that he is just the latest KNOWN threat?
    Does it matter which communicable disease he brought on set?
    The problem is that ANOTHER guy brought a communicable disease on-set..doesn’t matter who…NOW what’s to stop someone else from doing the same?
    Does it matter if it inconvenient …crabs…treatable..CT,GC (till they are super bugs) cancer causing HPV, HVC or deadly?

    Clearly the voluntary honor system testing for the disease du jour is not working. Does it fix it to crucify the latest offender while cameras are more protected from damage than performers?

  15. “The system let them work” The voluntary system with no legal authority is secondary to personal responsibility. The system is built on personal responsibility, and that is what has FAILED in this case, the personal responsibility of ALEX GONZ.

    Just like Marcus saying he didnt know his rash was syphilis, and he was ignorant of his disease does not excuse him. Just like marcus, Gonz works in the sex industry, and as such it is HIS responsibilty to educare himself about the risks he is taking, and the risks he is putting others at. Taking the advice of a phlebotomist regarding your HEp C status, and claiming that others gave him permission to work, is not taking responsibility.

    And then this peice of shit Gonz says in this interview, he feels like he is being “SLAPPED IN THE FACE” by the way he is being treated. Gee whiz, I wonder how the people he failed to inform feel? He feels like he is being treated unfairly, but not one word about how he treated anyone else.

  16. WHat proof do we have that AIM or CET cleared him, only his word, andat this point I wouldnt put too much stock in his word. In 2010 the AIM waiver that Gonz signed did not include Hep C as one of the diseases that AIM was allowed to inform others about.AIM had no right to disclose his HEP result to anyone. AIM didnt CLEAR anybody, all Gonz had to do was show his negative HIV,gonn/chlam testy, there was no clearing or PASSS system where AIM said he was clear, Gonz just needed to show his test.

    PASS/FSC need to answer one question,,,,WIll someone who tests positive for HEP C be cleared to work in their system now? MIKE asks a great question, are people who test positive for HEP C at PASS clinics still being cleared to work?

  17. Exactly jilted! Gonz is a lowlife piece of shit who doesn’t take any responsibility for his actions. He blames everyone but himself. This is a guy who after being told he had hep c.. didn’t even go to a doctor or specialist for 3 years… He just went about his day working and hiding his hep c results.. until Lisa Ann outed him. Loser.

  18. of course i wouldnt but had i gone on PASS and Gonz was cleared to work there Id be just as mad if not more mad at them specially when I found out they knew his hep c status

    You would be more pissed at PASS than the person who lied directly to your face, and the face of the other person you hired. SOunds more and more and more that this is all about getting rid of CET, and having all those people go to TTS, and those ‘loyalyt coupons”

    Mike, who do you think the scene parnter would be more pissed at, the PASS sysemt, or the HEP C infected person who bled in her mouth?

    And what about that old article I bumped up a minute ago that says Gonz tested at a clinic in FLORIDA in 2010.

  20. @jilted

    could a producer shoot a scene with a defective camera? No
    Could a producer shoot a screen with a infected (defective) performer? Yes
    Could a producer shoot a scene w/o a camera? No
    Could a producer shoot a scene w/o performers? No

    Buying equipment is “Capitol investment”
    Paying performers is “recurring expense”
    Both vary in terms of quality and cost..all business keeps down “recurring expense” as first way to increase their bottom line.

    COGS..cost of goods sold = product cost minus production “expense”
    Production expense= cost of materials, wages etc

    We can argue and fight about specific sets but that won’t change the fact that “industry leaders” choose to spend their money to pay fines and fight regulations they don’t like (cost of good sold) (commerce limits) with regulations they do like.

  21. Oops before Lacey comes to rescue…cogs..product sales less materials/labor to produce. 🙂

  22. Ok Mike let play Alex Gonz has dease that he know about for long time he admit it to that. He goes through system that tell him not only does have his dease he very contagious. What does Alex Gonz do he blow off what they tell him than goes to std medical clininc that does test for his dease does tell them he has got that dease. So now clininc that does test is gone check him for dease clear him work. There report goes in system all say well he clear work not explain all any one pass that he was test for his dease. All people pass think them self well he must be clean becuase they test him. So no one question what going on to Lisa Ann does when she does guy run away comes back tell ever one well ok long did kill any body or give my dease any one did matter put people lives health at risk over my dease. All talk about cure dease great I am sure porn star have work with him are thrill know they go out get test for his dease becuase guy cheat system they all thought protect them from this kind thing.

  23. I think there are a ton of issues and serious problems surrounding this whole mess.

    But, maybe this will somehow prove that there needs to be specific “level” guidelines to let performers know that there is a possibility that they could very well be working with someone who has HIV or HEP. C antibodies, but according to medical advice they are not contagious or pose a risk to other performers.

    At least that way performers would actually know the risks involved and can decide for themselves whether they wish to work in the industry or not?

    At the very least, let them know the guidelines that are used to decide whether a performer can work or not.

  24. “Does it fix it to crucify the latest offender while cameras are more protected from damage than performers?”

    This has to be one of the most true yet most sad statements ever made…

  25. Personal and PROFESSIONAL (paid work) responsibility are two very different things.

    Personally, morally and ethically it was dead wrong to bring disease on set. Yes his actions betrayed everyone..slapping them in the face.

    He didn’t act respectfullty and is now paying the price with all the publicity and controversy over his actions.

    Professionally he didn’t violate any rules/policy because the profession had no policy/rules regarding THAT ONE and routinely accept other adverse conditions as “a day at the office”

    Personally you can protect yourself from people like this by not playing with them..professionally…at the office you don’t make the rules, you get paid to follow them.

  26. LURKER,
    The entire industry violates the PROFESSIONAL rules, specifically OSHA 5193. Part of this regualtion has ALWAYS required POST exposure testing for HEP C. IF one company had done this TEN YEARS ago then Gonz would have found out ten years ago.

    You get paid to follow the rules,,,,,So Gonz was following the rules when he intentionally hid his disease? LOL,,,,there are no RULES in this industry, so how can anybody follow or break them, the RULES in this industry are VOLUNTARY. The rule in the industry is SELF REGULATION, which means everybody makes their rules for themSELVES, so yes, Gonz made his own rulesand did not violate them. THis is exactly why Gonz is a peice of shit, becuase the rules he made for himSELF say its ok t hide his disease.

  27. I agree Lacy there some big wholes in porn indusrty saftys system. One biggiest holes come from porn inusdrty people cheating system that supposed safe gaurd indusrty from dease that let them slip through craks over the matter. All talk about thing would be safer in porn indusrty after Mr. Marcus syphilis-infection scandal was just that talk. Think about what punishment are they hand out if your caught lieing about have STD unless hiv infection. Porn indusrty clear Mr Marcus over his scandal FSC has even said word on this event. So how can any one say porn indusrty police self when not doing any thing punish those break safty protocols.

  28. Lmao Lacey…do you really think FSC is gonna come out and admit they knowingly allow “low levels” of PREVENTABLE Infection on set?

    FSC is actively continuing to fight against EVERY segment of society trying to find a way to reduce the exposure risks. Crying ..infringement undue governmental interference…wonder if they would want to eat, take medicine or use banks for all their loot w/o regulation?

    Can you imagine if banks weren’t regulated…not forced to keep records…roflmao NIBY at its finest…rules okay for you but don’t bring them in my yard.

  29. I know.. I just wish at SOME fucking point the performers were actually informed about any and all risks so they could at least make an “informed” decision for themselves.

    And, people wonder why no one wants to fight prostitution laws in other states. Could you imagine trying to regulate that shit…
    The bunny ranch in NV does seem to have some seriously strict rules and regulations which I think says it CAN be done if people actually care enough… I don’t know anymore?
    But, the porn industry views porn as some kind of “art” which I guess means no rules apply or their artistic expression is taken away.
    I know many artists that follow regulations and still produce some of the world’s greatest “art” so I don’t buy that shit.

  30. For the record, if I eat one more piece of Halloween Candy I’m going to throw up!!!

    Never send a man to buy halloween candy because he WILL come home with 20 huge bags of candy that could feed the entire city. Kids don’t even need to go trick or treating, just stop by my house and I can just fill your whole bag up…. 😉

  31. CET and TTS are complying with their regulations.
    They provide their product to the industry and are no way at fault if the industry didn’t buy the right combo of services.

    They report what they were asked to report.

    what this guy “thought” based on a test explanation…or conversation doesn’t matter unless he claiming “unauthorized practice of medicine” which he isn’t..he clearly says I BLEW OFF referral to appropriate medical follow up.

    Not seeing the issue w/ “loyalty coupons”
    .its legal and common to offer discounted services, negotiated prices etc as long as they don’t “over charge” or “kick back via paid referrals”

  32. Hopefully her baby is just as cute and adorable as she is. Now that she isn’t tied to DP maybe she will do a scene after she gives birth. I would pay good money to see that scene (as long as it isn’t Fucking Machines or scenes with trannies, I want to see her tied up and caned) 🙂

  33. This guy got paid to perform, he gave them acting/modeling services and provided the “standard” medical proof he was asked for from 2003 till last August. Per standard model release…he performed by providing true and accurate test results from day one.

    He was asked for an additional medical proof to dispute rumors…August 2013 …all hell breaks loose

    Everyone knows paint can be dangerous, to get lead free paint, most want odor free, so for ten years Ive been paying a guy to paint my house with lead and odor free paint..even shows me the label like i ask, it’s all good. then my neighbor told me…hey did you know his paint has I ask for boogie free paint..oops his paint really does have boogies.

    Was painter supposed to tell me EVERY ingredient or just ensure the paint he provided was lead and odor free as specified?

    Buyer beware…sure me and my neighbors can be mad at painter and you can bet I’m gonna ask for lead, odor and boogie free paint from now on.

  34. Lacey, so true. I am a man and when I moved to town I started buying bags of candy every year (at least $50 worth). Let’s just say the kids made out great at the Harris house. It doesn’t help that I lived alone for years (no wife or girlfriend to question what I was doing), I would buy the candy and my mother or sister would come over to pass it out on Halloween.

    We had my nieces and nephews over tonight (yes, my siblings are about half my age so they still have young children), got a few pictures and they went around the neighborhood collecting candy then went to the local church for their Halloween party (a Baptist church with a Halloween party — would have never happened when I was a kid), they made out pretty good overall. The kids also went to the church where a friend of mine was the preacher years ago (he was there helping out even though he is retired from the ministry) last night (Oct. 30), they had a good time there as well. Now I get to think about Christmas where I get to be Uncle Santa Claus. I think the toys are going to be bought online this year, I don’t feel like shopping in ten stores to get their toys anymore and I can just pay the credit card off in December when the statement comes with one check. Cash is harder to deal with and track, especially shopping in ten stores to find everything.

  35. I buy the art part…just not the ..can’t make the art w/o preventing the known risks….sure it will raise the production cost in a declining per item price market…doesn’t mean you won’t still make money.

  36. So everyones thinking that Mike is the only one with proof over what Alex and Derek I can’t wait to see what the other side has. To bad they have to follow all H

  37. (Oops I hit the tab button by mistake) anyway to bad CET has to follow all HIPAA guidelines it seems like they can’t even say anything to defend themselves but they will and I truly believe Derek Alex and even TTS will get whats coming to them, its just a matter of time. And everything Jilted has said about TTS and the kickbacks to agents and loyalty coupons to talent is nothing but a form of bribery. If talent was smart they would tell Derek where to get off, and say good bye to LA Direct. Because not only is he double dipping but hes also getting kick backs on where you choose to test. Why wouldn’t he want you as talent to go to a testing place where there is actually a infectious disease MD. and what better Dr for the industry, unless of course he is getting something for you like a kick back. I’ve been in the industry along time, so has my girlfriend, trust me when we both say Derek does NOT care about you, and he does NOT do anything for you unless he gets something out of it. My girlfriend learned the hard way. And we don’t want to see the same thing happen to anyone else. Look Derek knew about Alex, and didn’t care who Alex worked with as long as he got his commission check, and remember Derek wasn’t even bound by HIPAA guidelines. So he could of stopped it.

  38. @jw –
    I don’t know why it never occurred to me before to ask you, but what are your (or your g/f) thoughts on the “testing system?”
    Do you feel safe with other performers?
    Do you fully understand how the system works and are you happy with it presently?
    Are you opposed to condoms and if so why?
    Do you think most performers actually “get” what the testing system does?
    Do you think most performers are just willing to take the chance of getting infected with a non-treatable disease along with every other disease that’s out there?
    Would you make any changes to the current testing system?

    Sorry, it’s like playing 20 questions… lol.

  39. Sorry Lacey it took so long to get back to you but I worked today. I first signed up for aphss to get the checks. Now I use it because I like to see if the women I’m working with are cleared to work. Do I like it, its all we’ve got. And it does work. The only thing is not everyone is part of it which makes it hard. Do performers want to take a chance of getting a non-treatable disease of course not. We have to test every two weeks to be honest with you your only good till your last encounter So unless you test after every seen your not 100% safe. But were so much safer then the civilians out there. You can go home with somebody you met at a party and wouldn’t know what there std status is So I really think were safer. I guess I answered most of your questions anything else just ask

  40. There are civilians and people who work in the industry that don’t go home with someone they just met at a party. To say one is safer engaging in multiple sex partners because of testing is something you don’t even agree with because you said “We have to test every two weeks to be honest with you your only good till your last encounter So unless you test after every seen your not 100% safe.”

    When it comes to activities involving HIV transmission I wouldn’t be putting my eggs all in one basket under the “safe” and “safer” mindset. Safe and Safer isn’t like the difference between Diet Pepsi and Pepsi Lite. (I feel old saying that) You are in danger with testing and without it if you are working in adult. You never can be 100% positive of a status whether it is the status of someone else or your own. In most cases civilians sleeping with people they just met at a party are not sleeping with someone who has sex for hire.

    Be safe, my friend.

  41. @jw –
    See, that’s the one thing I have a problem with about the “you could pick up someone from a bar” scenario.
    Most people you pick up in a bar may haven’t had sex in 6 months or 6 days….
    If your g/f does a scene with a male performer who shoots everyday and he last tested 13 days ago, she just had sex with the male performer and the other 13 or more girls he’s fucked in the industry. That doesn’t even include off-camera sex.

    So, you could reasonably say she just had sex with, let’s say, 20 different people for that ONE scene.

    So, it’s really not like picking up someone in a bar unless they have sex with multiple random people every single day without using a condom.

  42. Friends with Kayden? But you and your commenters take pot shots at Manuel? Yeah, I’m sure she enjoys friends like you.

  43. How many people you meet in a bar have had hardcore unprotected sex with MULTIPLE partners, each of whom has had the same unprotected sex with MULTIPLE partners. In an interview aroung 2003 Sharon Mitchell talked about how fast and far a single performer contact list can grow. She stated the average first, second, third genreation exposures, in THREE days can easily reach 198 people.

    I’ll take my chances with the person at the bar, and use a condom.

  44. In 2004 the first and second generation quarantine list for Darren James was 56 people(performers, not including unmaned civilians) By the time the three females wwere discovered to be positive, the first, second, and third generation contacts was over 275 people.

    And another industry line, std’s come from outside the industry, What a load of crap, STD’s are in the industry now, and are being passed around. One could just as easily say it is the porn industry that is infecting all of the civilians who are dipping their wicks in the pool.

  45. Hey Lurking Reader TTS gives the agents commissions if they send talent there way, so isn’t that the same as paid referrals?

  46. @jw
    Not sure how they’d be able to structure it so it wasn’t….creative a/p is more up Lacey’s alley 🙂

  47. But jilted…don’t you know…at the request of members a d industry stakeholders testing we planned to start was implemented early ….to address concerns and show we keep transmission off the set…lol

  48. @Lurking,
    Regarding the loyalty coupons, and paying LATATA a fee for every LATATA repped person who tests at TTS. The medical field has very stricy rules regarding this. It is illegal to solicit or accecpt anything of monetary value in exchange for any type of patient referal. It is to prevent insurance/medicare/medi-cal fraud.

  49. @jilted

    I agreed…not sure how they would structure it…AKA creative finance to hide kickbacks.

    As for coupons…discounted services its a separate issue and providers can “write off” individual accounts as long as they follow Medicaid, Medicare and insurance fiscal policies. Ever get bulk mail for “free dental whitening”

    I’m not doubting your knowledge or info re the players here. I’m very opinionated about policies and events that help shape them; recognizing the rules are created when a line in the sand has been crossed, once or repeatedly. Learning about the players and how they operate is helpful, dialoguing about pertinent issues fun, discussing relevant events engaging..meanwhile I cover my ass…

    If I don’t KNOW a specific entity is doing something, I avoid smearing their reputation, while acknowledging the validity of the event or situation being discussed.

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