AB 640 Goes To Assembly for Vote Today

Porn Valley better get used to shooting with condoms.

Today AB640, the condom law, will go before the California Assembly where it will almost certainly be passed and sent to the senate which is also certain to pass it.  Opposition to the bill has eroded to the point that it would probably become law even if Jerry Brown didn’t sign it…Looks like there’s enough support to over ride him.  Not that that will likely be necessary.  Governor Brown may be unpredictable but he ain’t gonna go against this one.

The law could land on his desk as soon as the end of today, should he sign it, it will take effect IMMEDIATELY.

Im sure the Free Speech Coalition will try to challenge it, but as they always do, they will lose.

I expect my this time next week AB640 will be law.

I will be put most of the day but I have posts scheduled untill I get home this afternoon, late.



82960cookie-checkAB 640 Goes To Assembly for Vote Today

AB 640 Goes To Assembly for Vote Today

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39 Responses

  1. This bill has an urgency clause in it to make it effective immedeatly upon passage. But any bill with an urgency clause requires a 2/3 vote to pass. If the governor signs it, it takes effect immedeately, or the governor could let it sit on his desk for 30 days and not sign it, and then it becomes law by default.

    maybe Mark Kernes will start selling hazmat suits.

  2. Well, I’m kind of conflicted at this point. If the bill gets approved then the moratorium will probably be lifted without any answers and performers will be required to wear condoms and this whole outbreak will just get swept under the rug.
    If the bill gets shelved for 30 days then I would think the moratorium would stay in effect to at least give some more time to get these issues addressed and hopefully get to some sort of resolution about the whole ordeal?
    Tough call. I have a feeling the bill will pass and this HIV issue will be dropped without any definitive answers which is unfortunate.

  3. Lacey,
    Today is the last day of the California legislative session. If it doesnt pass today it is dead and will need to be reintroduced in the next session. AB640 is what is called a ‘gut and amend’ bill. Its original content was regarding the sale of tobacco products, but Hall took the bil and basicly rewrote it to incluce the condom mandate.

  4. I don’t think if the bill passes things will get swept under the rug.
    First off, no one in the industry wants to wear condoms. They keep up the “our testing works” crap. You think they will just put the condom on because of a silly law…. the motto of these people is “we do what we want so fuck you!!!!”

    Not to mention this “performer #4
    How about the complaint AHF filed against kink.com???
    What happened to performer # 3???

    There are to many questions and laws being broken for this to just be swept under the rug.

  5. I swear I read that Friday was the last day of session and they could essentially shelve the bill and after 30 days it would become law by default?
    I don’t have time right this second to go look this up so I’m going off what I remember, which could very well be incorrect… What happened with Gatto?

  6. Of course, these are all very good questions. But, at this point, the AHF is probably one of the only entities with enough power to push these issues to get an answer.
    I guess the question remains: Is the AHF going to keep pushing if AB640 gets signed?
    I am willing to bet they will, but you never know?
    Actually, now that I’m thinking about it, they may just be getting started?

  7. Oh yeah…AHF will keep pushing…
    They are going to make sure that the law is enforced.
    They’re just getting started.. I think there’s going to be criminal charges..fines…lawsuits. I think it’s going to start getting really interesting.

  8. Lacey,
    AHF has more up its sleeve than you can imagine. thctere is a hearing on Oct 3 regarding the lawsuit against AIM for illegal disclosure of patient results. AIM’s medical records were “intetionally and malicously destroyed.” They are also planning a lawsuit against every single producer who ever had an AIM passowrd. It has been classified as a class action suit.

    If 640 passes, and there is no certainty that will happen, it will just be the beginning of a new phase of action. If it is shelved, there are other avenues that they havent even begun to act on yet. (lacey, its a secret, the agents are next, and the DIR is going to be forced to act, just like county health)

  9. @RiccoMarin, to say “Man Win” caused or had a hand in the outbreak is so idiotic it’s funny, making you a total idiot for saying it… I mean c’mon. Bashing them is funny but really?

  10. Hopefully if the bill passes it isn’t all swept under the rug and things improve or become more safe. I read a comment from Porno Dan and he is right, testing does work! But it works at stopping the spread, not at preventing it. Without testing these people may have never know they were + in the first place and spread to everyone else all around the indistry and worse, in their personal lives. So testing works…

  11. “…it [testing] works at stopping the spread, not at preventing it”

    That’s exactly the issue driving the mandatory condom battle. In a workplace environment just stopping the spread is not adequate.

  12. Ok, I’ll agree with you. Testing works!
    But, can’t we do better than that and go with a new slogan:

    I’m not even being a smart-ass. If they adopted either of these more descriptive slogans, people would think they were insane!
    Here I’ll even try to make one in favor of testing:


    Seriously, I can’t even come up with one that makes sense?

  13. Lacey …Can I just say I love having you here…you are tough, smart, thick skinned and a quick wit…and you can write….
    Kate…. Great to have you as well the two of you are pretty damned awesome

    But then I have the best commenters in all of porn

    Thank You all

  14. I know it’s a joke…. The testing doesn’t work!!! People are floating in STD’s. They don’t care because they have the mindset that they can just get a shot or take a pill and it goes away. It appears they feel the same way about HIV. I guess John stagliano is their hero..I don’t know.. I don’t get it… and then you have performers like James Deen who says he has NEVER had an STD..COME ON!!! It’s fucking bizarre. I’m starting to think you’re right, maybe they have been brainwashed. EVERYBODY REPEAT!!! TESTING WORKS!!! You will NEVER come up with a slogan that makes sense..because people in the industry make NO sense!!

  15. Do you have any idea how fast HIV and HEP. C can spread through an industry of people fucking each other everyday in a 30 day period?

  16. Our testing system has worked to document thousands of cases of std’s among our workers in the last few years.

    Our testing system does not even check for oral and anal stds.

    Our testing system is proof that testing alone is inadequate.

    Quote from Dr. Miao, “The test is only as good as the day your blood is drawn.”

    this is called a harm reduction program. that is, you accept that there will be infections, and you try to limit the exposue through early detection.

    Harm reduction is basicly admitting that you have a problem, and because you accept that people will continue to act irresponsibly you try to limit the imact of the irresponsible behavior. For the porn industry to insinuate that a harm reduction program is adequate to provide a safe working environment is by definition ludicrous.

  17. Aww. Thanks Mike! *blush*
    I enjoy being here also. I’m used to debating hardcore politics, so this is actually quite fun! 🙂

  18. SACRAMENTO — AB 640, the bill that would have required adult film performers to use condoms in adult film productions shot anywhere in California, wasn’t heard or voted on Thursday evening in the Assembly, effectively ending the threat of a statewide porn-condom law for now.


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