The porn starlets are now beginning to fill the exhibit area and this is attracting the attention of all the people in the mainstream section. They are beginning to flood into our area. To the unwashed masses these are girls of low moral character, totally bankrupt when it comes to values like fidelity and discretion. Oddly enough guys worship these girls. They will stand in line for an hour or more to get an autograph that they will most likely leave in the wastebasket at the hotel. Why do they do it? Maybe they think that just getting close enough to say hello will make her want to take him home and fuck him. Or maybe they just aren’t used to being this close to pretty girls who will do things that would send their wives and girlfriends running for the door. Funny thing is, that it all works. A pretty girl is the perfect bait, another way the predators lure their prey in for the kill. But beauty is only as deep as the foundation for the makeup, you wake up next to some of these girls you would not only chew your arm off to avoid waking her, you would chew your other arm off so that you would never drink again. Not to mention the sweet disposition they have. An industry insider was approached by a guy wearing a Blockbuster Video Badge, the guy pointed to a girl who is famous for her recent 300 man gang bang and asked if she had a fan club. The industry insider tells the guy that she doesn’t have any fans that have ever met her. That kind of sums it up, a body from hell, an inch of makeup and a disposition similar to that of a one eyed rattlesnake with a toothache. But then again how would you feel if your job consisted of being sodomized by a bunch of former wards of the California penal system then having them ejaculate on your face only to have the paycheck bounce?
When a girl comes into this business she does so for any combination of several reasons. Maybe it’s for fun, or maybe it’s for fame and attention or maybe she just flat doesn’t have the work ethic to do anything else. Porn people will put up with a lot of shit from a girl, at first. Eventually almost all of the girls fall into this idea that they are important, they lose their souls. Some of them come out of it, some of them don’t. D.C. and I see Sana Fey in a booth, I shot Sana Fey first and she was a barrel of fun, she did two outstanding scenes for me, one in an open to the public RAVE party, we stayed friends, she too lost her soul. She acknowledged my presence with one of those fake hugs that are so common in this business. She was now feeling important because everyone wanted to shoot her. What the girls don’t realize is that is the way it is in this business, but that importance is fleeting. The girls in this business are like a dog making a lot of noise chasing a truck, then suddenly the truck backs up and runs over them.
A year from now after she has offered up every orifice, pissed off fans, producers, directors and everyone else she comes into contact with by being so self important the porn girl won’t be able to give away an anal scene in exchange for the boxcover. Suddenly she’s not “all that” anymore and there is a line waiting to take
“Walking like a man, hitting like a hammer, she’s a juvenile scam. Never was a quitter, tasty like a raindrop, she’s got the look.”
The porn starlets are now beginning to fill the exhibit area and this is attracting the attention of all the people in the mainstream section. They are beginning to flood into our area. To the unwashed masses these are girls of low moral character, totally bankrupt when it comes to values like fidelity and discretion. Oddly enough guys worship these girls. They will stand in line for an hour or more to get an autograph that they will most likely leave in the wastebasket at the hotel. Why do they do it? Maybe they think that just getting close enough to say hello will make her want to take him home and fuck him. Or maybe they just aren’t used to being this close to pretty girls who will do things that would send their wives and girlfriends running for the door. Funny thing is, that it all works. A pretty girl is the perfect bait, another way the predators lure their prey in for the kill. But beauty is only as deep as the foundation for the makeup, you wake up next to some of these girls you would not only chew your arm off to avoid waking her, you would chew your other arm off so that you would never drink again. Not to mention the sweet disposition they have. An industry insider was approached by a guy wearing a Blockbuster Video Badge, the guy pointed to a girl who is famous for her recent 300 man gang bang and asked if she had a fan club. The industry insider tells the guy that she doesn’t have any fans that have ever met her. That kind of sums it up, a body from hell, an inch of makeup and a disposition similar to that of a one eyed rattlesnake with a toothache. But then again how would you feel if your job consisted of being sodomized by a bunch of former wards of the California penal system then having them ejaculate on your face only to have the paycheck bounce?
When a girl comes into this business she does so for any combination of several reasons. Maybe it’s for fun, or maybe it’s for fame and attention or maybe she just flat doesn’t have the work ethic to do anything else. Porn people will put up with a lot of shit from a girl, at first. Eventually almost all of the girls fall into this idea that they are important, they lose their souls. Some of them come out of it, some of them don’t. D.C. and I see Sana Fey in a booth, I shot Sana Fey first and she was a barrel of fun, she did two outstanding scenes for me, one in an open to the public RAVE party, we stayed friends, she too lost her soul. She acknowledged my presence with one of those fake hugs that are so common in this business. She was now feeling important because everyone wanted to shoot her. What the girls don’t realize is that is the way it is in this business, but that importance is fleeting. The girls in this business are like a dog making a lot of noise chasing a truck, then suddenly the truck backs up and runs over them.
A year from now after she has offered up every orifice, pissed off fans, producers, directors and everyone else she comes into contact with by being so self important the porn girl won’t be able to give away an anal scene in exchange for the boxcover. Suddenly she’s not “all that” anymore and there is a line waiting to take
“Walking like a man, hitting like a hammer, she’s a juvenile scam. Never was a quitter, tasty like a raindrop, she’s got the look.”
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Mike South
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