What’s Wrong With This Picture?

What’s Wrong With This Picture?

Im not a homicide detective or a forensic pathologist or anything like that but I am infinately familiar with guns, shot guns handguns and otherwise and I can tell you with absolute certainty that the hole you see there was NOT made by a shotgun, it wasn’t very likely even made bay a gun. Rather it was probably made by a crowbar, see the way the plywood is pulled around the edges? thats not from something going in…its from something being pulled out…now look at the erratic nail holes and the placement of the nails. Now think about the videos you have seen that were shot at Chateau Max….does that look like it came out of THAT house? It probably did but it was probably in a storage room or some such, maybe a hand made compartment? I’d bet the Fibbies KNEW Max was out of the country and they were looking, and busting open enclosed spaces is part of what they do when they are trying to find something, they thought something was behing that thin bit of plyboard so they sunk a crowbar in it to see, now to someone else in the house that MIGHT sound like a gunshot but …well what do you think?

More Tampa Pics coming this weekend


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What’s Wrong With This Picture?

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Mike South

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