Like Marrying a Hooker, the new has worn off:

Carly’s site, pornblo gets updated less and less these days…Me Quaz and JimmyD all tried to tell her but she just HAD to do it….Now she updates once or twice a week and its usually very short…something like why are porners idiots….well duh…

Meanwhile LukeFord is scratching all over creation for a good porn story, I sense if he looked in his own back yard he’d find a real good one….

Mary Careys Tits seem to have gotten way more play than they deserve real or not….But it is a statement on the state of porn news lately…seems everyone is trying hard to stay OUT of the news cept Mark Kulkis and Mary Carey

8030cookie-checkLike Marrying a Hooker, the new has worn off:

Like Marrying a Hooker, the new has worn off:

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