TikToker Turned Porn Star MJ$Fresh Faces $2 Million Defamation Lawsuit by Jessy Jones

Cardi B recently won almost $5 million in a defamation lawsuit against a YouTuber who said things that she shouldn’t have said. This was big news. But it wasn’t the only defamation lawsuit out there dealing with things said on social media. Now Jessy Jones files a similar lawsuit against Hussie models and Madysun Jaques.

For years people have said what they wanted online about people without fear of repercussions for their actions. That has changed. These victims are lawyering up and not taking it anymore.

Just ask Emily Willis, who herself filed a $5 million defamation suit when other performers were talking bad about her on Twitter.

However talking bad about someone is one thing, but outright accusing them of rape is another story altogether.

Every year more than 128,000 allegations of rape are made in the US alone. Of those, an estimated 10% of those are false.

That doesn’t sound like much until you actually do the math. That means that 12,800 men each year have their lives devastated. That’s 12,800 real people, who did nothing wrong but had their reputations ruined, most often for revenge.

Just think about that for a moment … every year more than 12,000 men have their lives ruined by false allegations of rape. Not 12,800 total. But 12,800 a year.

Jessy Jones claims he’s one of those men.  He has recently filed a $2 million defamation lawsuit against Tiktoker turned porn star Madysun Jaques who also goes by the name MJ$Fresh because of it. The lawsuit also names her porn agent Riley Reynolds of Hussie Models.

TikToker Turned Porn Star MJ$Fresh Faces $2 Million Defamation Lawsuit

The lawsuit is Jessy’s way of fighting back against allegations of sexual assault by the Madysun Jaques


TikToker Turned Porn Star MJ$Fresh Faces $2 Million Defamation Lawsuit by Jessy Jones

In what can only be described as a content shoot gone wrong, on January 18, 2022, MJ$Fresh posted an hour-long video on YouTube talking about the allegations against Jessy Jones where she claims he roofied and then raped her.

To Jessy Jones defense and Credit

In his defense, Jessy Jones provided text and private messages where MJ$Fresh goes as far as saying she will get revenge against Jessy Jones including making up false accusations against him because he refused to take her home after an incident in the bar.

TikToker Turned Porn Star MJ$Fresh Faces $2 Million Defamation Lawsuit

In the court documents, Jessy Jones also provided a statement from the bartender who stated that MJ$Fresh was drunk and unruly and they had to ask her to leave.

For her part, MJ$Fresh says she doesn’t drink, however later contradicted herself in the same video where she says she did have a drink or two, but only because the drink “matched her outfit.”

Riley Reynolds of Hussie Models arranged the content shoot between MJ$Fresh and Jessy Jones, and later, he went on to apologize to Jessy Jones for his client’s behavior, saying she was drunk and didn’t know what she was saying.

We spoke to Jessy Jones, and he told MikeSouth.com exclusively that, “This isn’t the first time I’ve been wrongly accused, and while last time the woman wrote an article apologizing for what she did, I still found it hard to recover from these types of allegations, even if they were proven untrue. Women are far too quick to claim a guy raped or beat her, knowing that nobody would dare question a woman if she does. But they don’t take into account the seriousness of these allegations and the lifelong problems it causes the man they falsely accused. That’s why I decided I just had to step up and take action. I’m not going to stand by and let someone tell the world I raped them when we both know that wasn’t the case. I’m not that kind of person. I would never do that to a woman. And to be accused of such a violent act really hurts.”

TikToker Turned Porn Star MJ$Fresh Faces $2 Million Defamation Lawsuit

This is not the first time that Jessy Jones has been accused of assaulting a woman. On April 8, 2019, Jessy Jones was accused of assaulting well-known porn star. He was even arrested for the incident and let out after posting a $50,000 bail.

She later came forward and said that the couple had been dating and living together at the time, stating that the incident was because Jessy and she had broken up and began dating one of her co-workers. The DA rejected the case, Jessy was free of all charges

“We have had many heartfelt conversations, and have agreed that we both acted poorly until the whole situation got out of hand. We both wish we could take back some actions and things that were done and said that day. All we can do now is move forward — we are not perfect and will definitely learn from this harrowing experience. 

We are working together amicably now, and we very much look forward to moving past this. We also sincerely apologize for involving others.

We ask everyone who cares about us to give us some privacy at this time, as we work toward putting this matter behind us in the shared hope we can move forward with our lives and careers.”

This incident is in part why Jessy Jones said he decided to take legal action against MJ$Fresh. “A person isn’t innocent until proven guilty. When a girl screams #METOO you are guilty without so much as a shred of evidence being presented. Don’t get me wrong, I know that the #METOO movement is important for women who have long been victims of abusive men, but not all men are abusive, and not all women who cry #METOO are real victims. There has to be evidence. You can’t just say someone is guilty and that’s that. These kinds of allegations can ruin a man’s life.”

Madysun Jaques aka MJ$Fresh is a popular TikToker who on her current account has more than 400,000 followers with 6.1 million likes on her videos. This however isn’t her first account. Her previous TikTok account was deleted in late 2020 which has nearly a million followers.

TikToker Turned Porn Star MJ$Fresh Faces $2 Million Defamation Lawsuit

@officialmjfresh If u see this ITS A SIGN!! There are so many different variety’s of girls so boss up n get ya coin sis u know u want to? #fy #skrippatok #bagtalk ? original sound – Madysun Jaques

MJ$Fresh has had a long history of legal troubles, of which she recently bragged about on Twitter (@dadslovemjfresh), posting her own mugshots.

She began starring in adult movies in 2020 and has to date starring in about 40 titles. She also works as an exotic dancer.

TikToker Turned Porn Star MJ$Fresh Faces $2 Million Defamation Lawsuit

She often tweets and does TikTok videos about toxic relationships and mental illness.

TikToker Turned Porn Star MJ$Fresh Faces $2 Million Defamation Lawsuit

Although what she hasn’t talked about is the message she sent to Jessy Jones saying she was going to make false allegations against him because he wouldn’t give her a ride home from the content shoot.

TikToker Turned Porn Star MJ$Fresh Faces $2 Million Defamation Lawsuit

I did ask Jessy Jones why he didn’t just call her an Uber and was surprised to learn that there was in fact a good reason for it. It seems he had met MJ$Fresh the year before, and she was drunk at a club. He used his uber account to get her a ride home. Of which she was so drunk and belligerent, on the ride home, that the Uber driver reported the incident and he was banned from Uber as a result.

MJ$Fresh neglected to mention that part of the story in her video. She only called him out for not calling her an Uber.

I guess the old saying is true, there are two sides to every story. And we need to remember that the next time someone, anyone goes public with allegations against another person.

They might be guilty. But then again, they might just as easily be innocent and have the evidence to prove it.


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TikToker Turned Porn Star MJ$Fresh Faces $2 Million Defamation Lawsuit by Jessy Jones

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6 Responses

  1. I got to say I’ve been following Jessy Jones for a while now and the fact that this guy is still standing after everything he’s been through is an absolute miracle but that is just to show your that if you don’t do anything and you’re innocent and you keep fighting you will always prevail and come out on top.Jessy is a lot of things But definitely not a rapist I mean he just shot content with the girl half an hour before her claims what in his right mind or should I say why would he ever try to rape her. Plus that text from her basically saying she’s going to cancel him and that video was the nail on the coffin she should’ve never done that and her agent should of advised her of that he’s a veteran performer of 11 years and she’s a newbie. I hope this ends the whole #metoo movement against guy in this business and also that shit agency Hussie models to take accountability for their models and what they do. I’m usually one to side with the girls because I was a rape victim but this is fishy and I hope Jessy gets his day in court and proves that she lied and get that money.

  2. Why is MJ Fresh shooting porn for free for Riley Reynolds, Hussie Models in the first place? She just did a scenes in Riley’s illegal residential model house that he turned into an Illegally operated porn studio in Coral Springs, Florida for the last 9 months. Jax Shayler also did a scene there just a week ago and was just accused again for alleged sexual assault on a pornstar that hit porn news outlets? Is there any charges made on this man? If not then why would a pornstar accuse once again a male talent without going to law enforcement first? This revolving door of sexual abuse off camera to sex workers can only be stopped by law enforcement and the judicial system.

    Riley Reynolds pockets the money off these freebie shoots in distribution but does not pay his talent is “sex trafficking” which he has been investigated and accused of in police reports as far back as 2015 in his seedy North Miami Beach house where they shot him for Hot Girls Wanted featured on Netflix.

    He flew this young woman in under a Craigslist advertisement for nude modeling, he takes her government issued ID’s away when she arrives, forces her to do porn in one of his back bedrooms so she could pay him back for her flight (So much for free flight to Miami BS) then forces a liquid down her throat to do more scenes when she got deathly ill, then makes her do more scenes for Reality Kings to pay for her flight home penniless all in one month. That is called SEX TRAFFICKING people. He to this day refuses to take her profile down of his website to torment her.

    He also violated a young man who had special needs and flew him back and forth from Florida to California, drove him across that state lines to Las Vegas and Arizona and it was not until that young man was able to get a cell phone and be unguarded to call his mother to send a one way Uber to pick him up to go to LAX and he was an hour and half outside Los Angeles where Riley was stashing him at a private home in Bear Lake area. The kid got a one way ticket prepaid to fly home by this family. This launched an FBI investigation on Riley Reynolds. What does Riley Reynolds do? He brags about the Feds coming to his door, he exploits this kid more on IMDB like the a hole he is. The list goes on and on with how he exploits, destroys families, profiteers illegally against what the State of California lays out as legal pornography filming regulations. But the rules and regulations do not apply to him he thinks.

    There are countless other police reports in 12 municipalities in The State of Florida on Riley Reynolds. Needless to say he is doing other activities illegally that has been uncovered and that law enforcement was made aware of. How does this predator fall through the cracks?

    If you sex workers choose to let this or any other company break the law, violate you and abuse you but just complain about it on a forum or social media then shame on you. You are not helping the other victims of sexual assault and human/sex trafficking. There are some organizations outside the porn industry who will help navigate you for sex trafficking help. Just being afraid of being black balled in the porn industry, bullied and/or intimidated by a talent agent, producer, director or companies is not good enough when your voice and actions is the power and control you have to stop this.

    I’m the last person to defend Riley Reynolds, but your entire recitation of his allegations proove that you a) don’t have any understanding of the judicial system, as such you’ve been rendered incompetent to write with a modicum of credibility about these issues or b) you know the system well yet you rely on hearsay and laziness to write what is absolutely nothing more than clickbait. Which is it.

    You mentioned that Reynolds has had issues with law enforcement and/or other regulatory or administrative agencies in Florida, Las Vegas, Arizona, California and has also been investigated by the FBI. In fact, you list with specificity these incidents in great detail. Yet, you listed incidents which allegedly occurred in jurisdictions which would have, by law, had to provide you with answers to your own question, “How does this predator fall through the cracks?” As I’m sure you are well aware, based on your ability to make conclosury statements of legal determinations regarding someone engaging in ‘sex trafficking,’ ‘abuse,’ and ‘profiteers illegally against what the State of California lays out as legal pornography filming regulations,’ each and every jurisdiction you listed either gave you these answers or you simply never lodged an inquiry in to these allegations. What were the results of the FOIA, AORA, CORA, and FORA requests? When did you submit said inquiries and what have the results shown for each.

    I’ll make this statement: For each open records request which YOU have made, irrespective of the outcome, and which can be corroborated (an easy task as each state and the Federal Government provide you with a Certified Receipt for each records request) prior to today’s date, I’ll donate $1,000 to the charity of your choice. A great reporter, such as yourself, obviously would have covered their asses and thoroughly uncovered objective answers to rhetorical questions, right? It’s Journalism 101 – and I’m sure that journalistic integrity is something you hold of equal importance to the art of saber rattling. So are you a great journalist or simply an unoriginal hack to lazy and incompetent to publish a single, original thought of your own?

  4. @pornsleuth

    Who made this recent allegation re: Jax Slayher? Only one I was aware of was Maya Hendricks and that was a couple of years ago.

  5. You know who need to be prosecuted? Whatever plastic surgeon Mengele that did the work on her facehole. Jeez even Fabio Scorpion look at that shit and barfed.

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