I Have Something To Say, and Porners Should Give This a Read:
With all the upcoming hoopla on the new changes to 2257 and all I did a little research on who actually sexually abuses children….
It ain’t us!
Your underage son or daughter is:
OVER 100,000 times MORE likely to be sexually abused by a family member or a friend than by someone in the adult industry
OVER 10,000 times MORE likely to be sexually abused by a clergy member than by someone in the adult industry
OVER 10,000 times MORE likely to be sexually abused by a teacher or daycare provider than by someone in the adult industry
OVER 10,000 times MORE likely to be sexually abused by a complete stranger than by someone in the adult industry
OVER 1,000 times MORE likely to be sexually abused by a member of the American Family Association than by someone in the adult industry
So why is it everyone seems to be pointing the finger of blame at us? Child abusers go where the children are, there are no children in porn.
This leads me to another thought and that is whether the record keeping Act would hold up in the first place. Sure we have a responsibility in this biz to make sure that whoever works for us is of legal age but what about people who sell tobacco and alcohol, they are equally if not more dangerous to children. Do they have to keep a record of every sale?
This legislation presumes that we are guilty and makes us prove our innocence.
We are forced to turn over evidence without the need for a search warrant or any probable cause that a crime has been commited.
The new changes place unnecessary burdens on the manufacturers in how the files are required to be maintained, it isn’t as simple as keeping IDs. we have to ID every photo, every performer, every alias the performer ever filed under, every video and it must all be cross referenced. I do this on a database, but what if they came in and claimed they couldn’t access the server? Would I be in violation? and assuming that everyone is over 18 exactly what crime was commited other than the records weren’t available at the time of inspection? Y’all know how adamant I am about this biz policing itself and working to make the industry more responsible but this seems to be a clear violation of several constitutionally protected rights, including the models right to privacy.
Maybe Kernes can explain it.
Maybe someday Washington will get off their collective asses and do something constructive to help end the sexual exploitation of children.
1527150cookie-checkThis Is A Reprint From A Few Months Back…It Is VERY Relevant:no
This Is A Reprint From A Few Months Back…It Is VERY Relevant:
I Have Something To Say, and Porners Should Give This a Read:
With all the upcoming hoopla on the new changes to 2257 and all I did a little research on who actually sexually abuses children….
It ain’t us!
Your underage son or daughter is:
OVER 100,000 times MORE likely to be sexually abused by a family member or a friend than by someone in the adult industry
OVER 10,000 times MORE likely to be sexually abused by a clergy member than by someone in the adult industry
OVER 10,000 times MORE likely to be sexually abused by a teacher or daycare provider than by someone in the adult industry
OVER 10,000 times MORE likely to be sexually abused by a complete stranger than by someone in the adult industry
OVER 1,000 times MORE likely to be sexually abused by a member of the American Family Association than by someone in the adult industry
So why is it everyone seems to be pointing the finger of blame at us? Child abusers go where the children are, there are no children in porn.
This leads me to another thought and that is whether the record keeping Act would hold up in the first place. Sure we have a responsibility in this biz to make sure that whoever works for us is of legal age but what about people who sell tobacco and alcohol, they are equally if not more dangerous to children. Do they have to keep a record of every sale?
This legislation presumes that we are guilty and makes us prove our innocence.
We are forced to turn over evidence without the need for a search warrant or any probable cause that a crime has been commited.
The new changes place unnecessary burdens on the manufacturers in how the files are required to be maintained, it isn’t as simple as keeping IDs. we have to ID every photo, every performer, every alias the performer ever filed under, every video and it must all be cross referenced. I do this on a database, but what if they came in and claimed they couldn’t access the server? Would I be in violation? and assuming that everyone is over 18 exactly what crime was commited other than the records weren’t available at the time of inspection? Y’all know how adamant I am about this biz policing itself and working to make the industry more responsible but this seems to be a clear violation of several constitutionally protected rights, including the models right to privacy.
Maybe Kernes can explain it.
Maybe someday Washington will get off their collective asses and do something constructive to help end the sexual exploitation of children.
This Is A Reprint From A Few Months Back…It Is VERY Relevant:
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