What a surprise — sleazy, corrupt cops preying upon sex workers. . . .
Three NYPD sergeants, two detectives and two police officers were nabbed last Wednesday night on charges that included enterprise corruption, promoting prostitution and official misconduct following a three-year Internal Affairs probe into cop-protected brothels in the New York City boroughs of Brooklyn and Queens, as well as and Hempstead, Long Island.
Retired vice detective Ludwig Paz, 51, of Queens Village, prosecutors now allege, used his know-how to run the brothels.

The New York Post reports
The cops are suspected of protecting the illegal activity at the brothels on Roosevelt Avenue in Queens and Sunset Park in Brooklyn, sources said.
According to sources, investigators are zoning in on an additional 30 cops for questioning and possible arrest.
Paz’s alleged brothel chain included a filthy apartment in Bedford-Stuyvesant, Brooklyn, where services were provided on a stained mattress lit by a red ceiling light.
2 Responses
I heard from a reliable source there is a Former NYC cop who worked in the same capacity who now lives in Fort Lauderdale is quite the “Sugar Daddy” for Riley’s girls. He goes by Bobby Blue Eyes on Social Media.
He has pornstars service him in his second residence. Follow the money trail Feds! Which I am sure you already are? Riley bought his Ducati from him, maybe it was an exchange? LOL
That’s very interesting. Thank you.