Paris Hilton isn’t the only person famous for doing absolutely nothing. Here’s Page 2’s list of 10 folks whose fame doesn’t quite match their performance:
1. Tara Reid
2. All Osbournes not named Ozzy
3. Anna Nicole Smith
4. Joumana Kidd
5. George Steinbrenner
6. Lizzie Grubman
7. Don Zimmer
8. Vanna White
9. Kato Kaelin
10. Anyone on Reality TV
6. Jim Holliday
5. Jim South
4. Reb Sawitz
3. Flashman
2. Devon
1. Tera Patrick
<< Extreme: For some reason Ashcroft does not want to take front and center on this one. Could it be because he isn’t very sure of a win? Lou Sirkin is good, real good and he has coached Rob well. Ashcroft insists on pushing Katherine Buchanon into the media circus on this one but if theres a win who do you think is going to be beating his cheast for the Christian Terrorists? Buchanon will be kicked aside quicker than a jury foreman can say Guilty. >>
Mary Beth Buchanan, actually. But to the point of the piece, the Attorney General of the U.S. NEVER personally tries cases in court, EVER! It’s always left to the Assistant U.S. Attorney (AUSA) in the district where the indictment is brought. And yes, Ashcroft *will* take personal credit for a
conviction if there is one, but recall that he (the A.G. in office) always gets blamed for the very public defeats of his or her subordinates as well.
And rest assured, Buchanan will be the toast of Pittsburgh if she does win, and for her, that’s where it’ll count.
Top Ten People Famous for Doing NOTHING.
Actually its from ESPN
Paris Hilton isn’t the only person famous for doing absolutely nothing. Here’s Page 2’s list of 10 folks whose fame doesn’t quite match their performance:
1. Tara Reid
2. All Osbournes not named Ozzy
3. Anna Nicole Smith
4. Joumana Kidd
5. George Steinbrenner
6. Lizzie Grubman
7. Don Zimmer
8. Vanna White
9. Kato Kaelin
10. Anyone on Reality TV
Top Six People in porn Famous for Doing Next to NOTHING:
Or at least as little as humanly possible
6. Jim Holliday
5. Jim South
4. Reb Sawitz
3. Flashman
2. Devon
1. Tera Patrick
Mark Kernes Writes:
You wrote:
<< Extreme: For some reason Ashcroft does not want to take front and center on this one. Could it be because he isn’t very sure of a win? Lou Sirkin is good, real good and he has coached Rob well. Ashcroft insists on pushing Katherine Buchanon into the media circus on this one but if theres a win who do you think is going to be beating his cheast for the Christian Terrorists? Buchanon will be kicked aside quicker than a jury foreman can say Guilty. >>
Mary Beth Buchanan, actually. But to the point of the piece, the Attorney General of the U.S. NEVER personally tries cases in court, EVER! It’s always left to the Assistant U.S. Attorney (AUSA) in the district where the indictment is brought. And yes, Ashcroft *will* take personal credit for a
conviction if there is one, but recall that he (the A.G. in office) always gets blamed for the very public defeats of his or her subordinates as well.
And rest assured, Buchanan will be the toast of Pittsburgh if she does win, and for her, that’s where it’ll count.
I stand corrected on Mary Beth, but I knew that the AG never tries a case. What I meant was that he is refusing television and radio exposure on this case, the very mediums he will be crowing on if he wins.
Richard Freeman Writes:
Dear Mike,
Sadly, my wife will not permit me to go to LA to hand out awards to half nekked women, so I’ll have to pass on the XRCO thing…
Just Damn!
Top Ten People Famous for Doing NOTHING.
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