Man charged with child porn over doll testifies he ordered it for companionship, not sex, after death of son

The complicated “sex doll” case has been working its way through the courts for years, raising the issue of what constitutes child pornography if no real child was involved.

ST. JOHN’S, N.L. — A man facing child porn charges over a child-sized sex doll intercepted by the Canada Border Services Agency is testifying in St. John’s provincial court today.

Kenneth Harrisson, 54, faces charges of possessing child pornography, mailing obscene matter, and two charges under the federal Customs Act of smuggling and possession of prohibited goods.

The case also deals with the limits of free expression.

Harrison testified today that he did not intend to have sex with the doll and that he had ordered it for companionship to replace his son, who died as an infant.

His testimony Friday was interrupted when he abruptly fainted and was taken away by an ambulance, according to local media reports.

Crown lawyers argued that the doll is a three-dimensional form of child pornography.

Windsor Star

469560cookie-checkMan charged with child porn over doll testifies he ordered it for companionship, not sex, after death of son

Man charged with child porn over doll testifies he ordered it for companionship, not sex, after death of son

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3 Responses

  1. This whole thing is bizarre. First of all, yes he was gonna fuck the doll. Secondly who gives a shit, I’d rather have him fucking a piece of rubber than an actual kid.

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