A Newfoundland, Canada man has been found not guilty of possessing child pornography after a judge determined it was not proven he knew the sex doll he ordered was child-sized.
Judge Mark Pike said he accepted expert testimony that the doll was child pornography, and said that Kenneth Harrisson’s stated reasons for ordering it did not ring true.
But the judge concluded the Crown failed to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Harrisson knew what was in the box delivered to his St. John’s home in 2013.

Outside the courthouse after the judge’s decision was given, Harrison said he had no comment. Defence lawyer Bob Buckingham spoke on his behalf.
“Mr. Harrisson wishes to say that he is relieved that this matter is over with and his advise to people is to be careful as to what you order online from now on,” he said.
Harrisson testified in court that he had ordered an adult doll, not the one that arrived in Canada from Japan in January 2013.
Buckingham also questioned the notion that the sex doll that was seized is child pornography.
“The piece of foam that is before the court, in my opinion and it’s only my opinion, is not child pornography. The judge has made a decision otherwise and that stands,” he said.
Buckingham also spoke about the impact the six years since his arrest have had on Harrisson.
“It has been draining. It has affected possibly job prospects. The strain was seen when he was giving evidence in his own defense.”
Early this year, while Harrisson was testifying, he collapsed and was taken to hospital in an ambulance.