Lylith Lavey Sues BangBros Over Syphilis Exposure


In addition to suing Mister Marcus, whom she is now seeking a default judgement against, Lylith laVey is also suing BangBros  claiming that they should have known that Mister Marcus had Syphilis.

When i saw the Bandbros footage my first reaction as a producer was I would never have let that guy shoot there is clearly a problem.

This will be interesting….

92510cookie-checkLylith Lavey Sues BangBros Over Syphilis Exposure

Lylith Lavey Sues BangBros Over Syphilis Exposure

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35 Responses

  1. I tend to support the industry’s take on OSHA and condoms but allowing Mr. Marcus to do a scene with his dick full of Syphilis spots was a bad move. I think either Lylith LaVey wins this one in one round if it gets to court or Bang Bros. settles out of court for a nice seven figure sum.

  2. And when the others who worked with marcus see how much she wins, well, let the games begin. GIRLS,,you could make more money suing the producer of your scene with marcus than you will ever make shooting porn,,,,and you dont get std’s from a lawsuit!!!

  3. You just got to love XBIZ,,,,she was ALLEGEDLY exposed to syphillis. LOL he was found guilty in a court of law, beyond a reasonable doubt. No need to use the word alleged anymore you dipshits, he was found guilty and served time. ONLY IN FUCKING PORN

  4. So she is sucking a dick with horrible black spots all over it and she does not question it? The girl makes her living having sex on camera, she should know what a diseased cock looks like.

  5. So he shows up to work with horrible black spots all over and the boss(director) doesnt question it. The guy make a living filming sex on camera,,,,and even REQUIRES std tests from his employees, he should know what a diseased cock looks like.

    Employees will always try to cheat their part time employers so they can get paid, but when the boss stands back and says, “GO right ahead, suck that diseased cock, and then releases the footage.

    The buck stops with the BOSS.

    So he shows up to work with horrible black spots, and he thinks its perfectly ok,,,,just a little rash from the lotion(remember that excuse). He makes a living having sex on camera, for eighteen years, he should know what a diseased cock looks like.

    So HE is sticking his dick with horrible black spot on it in her mouth, vagina, and ass, and HE, and the BOSS(director) have no problem with that.

    Whats good for the goose is good for the gander


  6. @jilted

    OIFP moving forward?

    Lol also loved the update…not suing BANG…suing VENITIAN (sp) in Florida. Any little string to distance a pal from earned disgrace?

  7. @Jane
    Not in my book. The job offered to them was in no way trashy, knowing HE was unqualified when he presented himself for the offered contract is the example of individuals with piss poor judgement in EVERY job classification.

    Nor do I find her “personal” website trashy. Hopefully in addition to condoms she checks personal dates better than she checked her co-worker. 🙂

  8. But Lurk, Marcus caught his disease OUTSIDE of the industry so he could not possibly infect anybody in the industry.

    And what a coininkidink, upwards of 90 european performers, including one who worked with Marcus all get syphillis at the same time. I suppose all 90 of them got it in their personal lives.

    PS,,europe has be testing for silly phyllis and Hep C as pat of their regualr testing for years.

  9. Lol jilted…do recall reading early articles re Europe, IIRC their moratorium started before US.

    This is where the industry is messed up, focused only on HIV incidence rates. Sure HIV gets press while CT,GC and others actually cause the greater employee loss. The way OSHA calculates lost days, moratoriums last year coupled with varied known infection rates is huge.

  10. Hello? Someone could have notified me that it was debate night… hahaha…. 😉

    You know, I’m really getting sick of the “no on-set transmission since 2004” talking point. I hated it before and I hate it even more now because it’s impossible to accurately explain it in under 1,000 words…

    And, I don’t mean debate it. I mean trying to explain the industry’s position on the matter. It’s completely fucking ridiculous.

    Every single time it gets brought up it’s the same exact fucking question:
    “I don’t understand how they can say there hasn’t been an on-set transmission of HIV since 2004? They just shut the entire industry down 3 times in the last few months.”

    And, here’s me: Oh fuck, not again…..

  11. Lacey, it is impossible to know for sure whether any of the HIV cases (other than the Marc Wallice incidents which were painfully obvious) involving the adult industry were transmitted within the biz. However the number is low enough where I think we can live with it, I computed a maximum infection rate of three quarters of one percent on here last year recently. I have stated the problems with condoms on here several times how they cause rug burn on pussies and break/slide off of men, getting stuck in women’s pussies and requiring a visit to the ER for removal.

  12. Kind of like when they shove make-up sponges up a girls pussy to absorb the blood, and little fragments get left behind when they take them out. Those little fragments then become fertilizer for ungodly bacterial build up requiring a visit to the urgent care.

    In virtualy every porn scene where a girls pussy and ass is getting POUNDED by a raher large cock there is always abrasions and bleeding, especially in the ass. And as you well know it only takes a microscopic abrasion to create a pathway for blood borne pathogen infection. The abrasions occure with or without a condom. So which would you rather have, abrasions with no condom, or abraisions with condoms.

    But of course your 3/4 of one percent does not include the gay industry, that is around 30-40% HIV postitive. Then you take a guy like Rod Daily, and there ALOT more just like Rod, who even publicly stated that he worked with at least 8 HIV infected performers during his career, then he works on the straight side with no condoms.

    And did you forget about Darren James infecting three girls, which was proven beyond all doubt by the genetic sequence tests done by the CDC?

    There used to be a seperation between the gay and straight side, buy not any more. It is disingenous of the straight side to only cite stats that dont include the gay side, seeing as how there is so much crossover these days.

    One thing the industry cant deny is that NUMEROUS performers were EXPOSED on sets, they just got lucky and didnt get infected. relying on luck as your health and safety plan is pretty weak.

  13. @mharris

    How do you define adult industry? The FSC numbers spouted above ignore the reality of agents/producers booking talent off set and assume all the off set transmissions occurred in unpaid personal activities.

  14. I know Darren was suspected of infecting his co-workers but did not know that the CDC proved it. I also admit that my figures don’t take into account the gay side of the biz as I don’t keep up with that issue. From what I do know I see problems here but do agree with one practice they started — serosorting. I don’t see a problem if one HIV positive person works with another that is also HIV positive.

    As for make-up sponges, even Sharon Mitchell knew that you don’t use them for Aunt Flo. Women, use natural sea sponges for this issue if you choose to work during your period — just cut them to the appropriate size, about a quarter to half size of your fist, place in very hot water for 60 seconds or so, wring out and place in the back of your pussy. The sponge will work for up to two hours at a time. Clean and re-use when the scene is done.

  15. I define adult as a paid scene with a legitimate company or content swap. Escorting is not part of the biz IMO since it is a felony in 49.5 states. Neither are the “scenes” supposedly done by Mr. Nanula, it sounds like he used a camera to make prostitution look legal.

  16. Heres the CDC report. Its quite interesting. The genetic sequence of all the people was IDENTICAL, proving beyond ALL doubt that DJ was the “index” patient

    But there is no more gay side, straight side. It only takes one person to fuck things up, and with the amount of crossovers these days you cannont say there is any seperation. Rod Daily admitted to working with 8 HIV+ performers during his career.

    As far as pairing HIV+ performers together, this is exrememly STUPID. HIV has many different strains and mutations. When you go mixing the strains, its like getting reinfected, and your medication regiment may no longer doing you any good. And the mutations that happen with this living virus when you mix strains then creates new strains, that may be stronger than the one youre already infected with. It is an extremely stupid thing to do.

  17. It’ll be interesting if they issue a report on Cameron Bay. What I note is that the CDC recommends condoms – and even simulation rather than the real act. The CDC is not a regulatory agency, but it carries a lot of weight.

  18. @mharris

    Ignoring the reality of what the industry does because it is illegal doesn’t make it go away. If you look at why it is illegal…disease and human trafficking, it makes more sense to make it legal.

    Freeman was decided 25 years ago. Where are the 25th anniversary celebrations? Where are the efforts to extend Freeman nationwide?

  19. @mharris
    If a printing company does newspapers on the books but does magazines off the books would they be exempt if OSHA showed up during the magazine run?
    Ignoring Nannula or filmed privates is like saying the printing company gets to ignore wear and tear on equipment used for magazine runs.

  20. Lurking, who would you hold responsible for the OSHA violations to illegal prostitution whether it be Nanula’s version or some escort service? There is almost no chance of connecting the dots enough to assess the fine and OSHA usually doesn’t fine the employees. That is why I don’t consider it a part of the biz regarding OSHA. A magazine printing company can still be traced to a legal owner quite easily.

  21. @mharris
    Escorting could be traced to an accountable stakeholder using existing policies. Playing hardball with OSHA isn’t a smart thing to do. OSHA can even inspect private homes as a workplace.

    At this moment if OSHA were to show up at a Nannula type event, it wouldn’t matter if the film were running or not, they can inspect it as a workplace just like a homeowner with domestic servants is a workplace, whether they live in or their agent sends them sporadically they are entitled to a safe work environment. FYI this is why reputable cleaning services specify that they provide cleaning chemicals and even bring their own vacuums, homeowners wouldn’t like OSHA checking out the cord on their vacuum for electrical hazards or fines because they provided a caustic cleaning agent without required gloves and safety training.

    Now you got a really interesting scenario…OSHA is gonna hold the “stakeholder” (producer) accountable even if the producer never went near the workplace. Using Nannula type event as an example IIRC the booking agent had the client (Nannula) comply with 2257 and later posted the footage which made the client talent and director with the booking agent as producer. No film, no 2257 and the client is the employer.

    The booking agent would claim the talent and director were IC; that they are a Temp Employment Agency who is entitled to a fee from both the temp worker and the hiring employer but exempt from OSHA. Anyone who has used a temp agency knows the contract includes fine print passing OSHA and labor law compliance onto them while paying for the convince of getting a vetted employee and payroll services.

    See the can of worms? Right now I can name a few escort agencies in producer and Temp Employment Agency roles. Good news is that if Cal/OSHA does pass industry appropriate OPIM policy the door is open to legalized escorting as a domestic type service. Bad news is either the agent or booking client is the employer when it comes to OSHA, shooting down the theory of talent as IC except where the talent books themselves truly acting as an IC.

  22. @mharris

    Another little tidbit…OSHA doesn’t care if employees are paid under or over the table, but they can and do share data with WC (Workers comp) and DOL (Department of Labor) who do care. Construction and farming have both gotten hit for not following OSHA with temp and migrant workers, then later got hit by WC and DOL.

  23. Also, the Nanula deal was technically illegal so add criminal charges in as well and it gets even more complicated. ..
    I don’t know who came up with that brilliant fucking idea, but I’m sure it happens everyday.

    Have camera.. will travel.

  24. @Lacey

    Gotta love clients who don’t care about write offs because they aren’t reporting anything to reduce 🙂

    Florida doesn’t have state income taxes so when OSHA, WC and DOL clamped down in the mid 90’s no one expected the IRS to start opening new offices too. Hurricane Andrew became a lasting love/hate long after the debris was cleared up. Even companies used to compliance had a rough time with major insurance companies pulling out of the state and new building codes.

    Even FEMA data was used intra-agency causing slick folks extra grief when they claimed actual losses. It was crazy seeing guys cry how unfair it was they not only had to re-pay FEMA because they couldn’t substantiate the claim but faced huge IRS, DOL, WC and OSHA penalties too.

  25. Oh, I understand all too well… you have no idea. Hurricane Andrew / Hurricane Katrina: same shit, different storm.

    Oh yeah, don’t forget the BP Oil spill as well…. that was *really* fucking fun… :-/

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