L.A. Porn Sets Being Raided

It’s something almost nobody seems to want to talk about but I am told that shoots are being cancelled all over the Porn Valley area due to police raids.  One girl said when she showed up on set there were “cops everywhere” and she was sent home.  Apparently they are heavily targeting shoots without permits.  Theres also talk that some people inside porn are alerting LAPD to the renegade shoot locations.  More as it develops.

120380cookie-checkL.A. Porn Sets Being Raided

L.A. Porn Sets Being Raided

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14 Responses

  1. nope can’t be…no shoots to be raided cuz Diane Duke and FSC barkers been saying for 18 months look how much LA is losing cuz porn moved away. And we all know they wouldn’t lie 😉

    Snark aside I hope the producer did right by the talent who showed especially if they look for no show cancellation fees from talent.

  2. What is this, the 1970s? Whos ratting out who, the bigger companies against the littler ones? Doesn’t smell right..

  3. This seems way to detail-free to be true en masse. Sounds like MAYBE an isolated incident, or why no details? Are you withholding details for some reason (good, I would assume and hope), Mike? Or is it that you haven’t heard any details yet?

  4. I have enough to make the post as I said whether its porners snitching is just speculation from other porners….in a situation like this i prefer to get it out and let porners decide what to do…if anything

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