Ira Isaacs What’s Next?

OK here’s the lay of the land.

The 9th circuit issued it’s decision yesterday that starts a 72 hour clock for Ira, he has 72 hrs (more like 48 now) to file an appeal or a request for an en banc hearing or the classification officer will issue a deadline by which he will have to turn himself in and start serving his sentence.

If he is deemed a flight risk they could pretty much pick him up at any time.

Isaacs has yet to respond to the ruling and my sources tell me that it is highly unlikely that an appeal would be successful, I am told that the decision from the 9th circuit came much more swiftly than Isaacs attorney had expected, signaling that an en banc hearing would be unsuccessful leaving Isaacs only with the very expensive proposition of petitioning the Supreme Court to hear the case, an even unlikelier proposition.

96040cookie-checkIra Isaacs What’s Next?

Ira Isaacs What’s Next?

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5 Responses

  1. The F.E.D.S doesn’t want us producing scat or bestiality porn. The message has been sent..

  2. I will be the first to admit that I know just about nothing in regards to scat porn, but couldn’t you just use “fake” feces?
    Similar to using 18yr. Old girls who look 15yrs. Old for certain films….

  3. Haven’t heard this much scat talk since “eat shit and die” was a popular phrase.

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