Ira Isaacs And Some Lessons For Porners

I originally ran this back on April 30th 2012 when Ira first got embattled in this but it bears reposting.

First of all let me state up front that I am no lawyer, I don’t have a law degree and I don’t intend to get one.

But one doesn’t have to be a lawyer to know that wrapping your head in a white towel and running through the local military base while carrying a suitcase and shouting “Allah Ahkbar” might be free speech, it certainly isn’t a good idea.

There is a lesson to be learned here for everyone in porn.

You see Ira Isaacs was not even on the feds radar, he might still be selling his scat and animal porn if not for a fundamental mistake.  Two of the people that worked for Ira walked into the Department of Justice and handed them some of Ira’s scat tapes.

The allegations were that they were under diminished capacity when they agreed to make the tapes, they were addicted to drugs and were doing it out of desperation, Ira made the promise that the tapes would never be made available in the United States but were for overseas purchase only.  They also alleged that Ira supplied them with drugs and or alcohol prior to the shoot.  When they discovered that Ira was indeed selling the videos here in the states they felt that they had been deceived and they used Ira’s own words against him.  He told them that legally he could never sell the tapes here, here meaning in the United States. They went to the Department of Justice and handed them the case.

This is not entirely different than what happened to Max Hardcore.  While Max was probably on the radar at least two performers he had shot seem to have been involved in his prosecution by making complaints to the Department of Justice.

One of the things that I try to do is to maintain contact with the people who shoot for me but more importantly I dont lie to them. I tell them exactly what will happen, where it will be released and I tell them dont show up fucked up or you will be sent home, and I certainly dont supply them with alcohol or drugs. In other words they know what to expect, there are no surprises.

Now if you are in Porn Valley and you get your talent from an agency and all that, it isn’t as important, but it is still important.  If you don’t shoot in Porn Valley and/or you shoot more edgy content it isn’t just important, it’s imperative.  It is an absolute must to deal honestly with talent, tell them exactly what is expected and exactly what will be done with the content and don’t lie about it.  be a decent human being, vet your talent and weed out the ones that are obviously doing it out of desperation, treat them well and show some humanity fucking up someone’s life will bring you bad karma, ask Ira or Max about that.

While I am on the topic, how many of you are paying travel expenses for a girl to come shoot for you?  If you are and you are transporting her across state lines you are in direct violation of a federal law called the Mann Act.  While this may not be on the DOJ’s radar at the moment don’t think for one minute that they can’t or won’t use it against you.

And finally, be very considerate of your neighbors, if they start complaining that you are shooting porn in the neighborhood you ARE going to get busted.

Use common sense, be a good human being and don’t abuse or deceive the people who shoot for you.  It is your front line of defense.


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Ira Isaacs And Some Lessons For Porners

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7 Responses

  1. That good advice Mike question is well Max Hardcorps Rob Blacks Tom Byrons follow your advice go back work in porn vally?? I put my money on thing stay same as how been run thing there no matter how many times they get caught or arrest for knowing better. I see more obscenity case take place in Ca now goverment now knows what takes to win one there. Thing is Mike porn indusrty would be wise to listen you in porn vally but they have well know history of not listening to you. That why porn vally find condoms shove down throats alot other nasty thing happen right now that gone end porn indusrty in Las Angles.

  2. I have limited in-the-field experience of shooting scenes, I’ve shot just under 30. I always start conversations with all the models we worked with to and get all the juicy stories out of them. One model,
    a plus sized model, described how she was approached once to do something that involved bestiality. She did a bunch of other fetish gigs so she was probably in some odd groups.

    The point you make applies everywhere. Didn’t Dirty D get caught up in the drama with that one model because of stuff that went down on one of the industry boards? Someone gets pissed and then
    hands you over to LE on a silver platter.

  3. JLP you are right about dirty d he was served up by a model who felt she had been wronged.

    and Toby you are dead on…it doesn’t take much extra effort to make the girls feel good about it all if you vet them properly to begin with.

  4. I would agree that if you cheat and fuck over (without kissing first) your talent that you are greatly increasing the risk of prosecution — especially doing scat and bestiality videos. Since I haven’t seen any of the rumored horse fucking human videos I can’t speak to their actual content but it definitely is illegal in the US and fucking over talent is a recipe for having said talent turn you in to the Department of Jackasses.

    As for freedom of speech in my opinion that right stops where another’s right not to be injured begins. I guess scat doesn’t hurt anyone (other than probably making me puke if that DVD is shown instead of “Mike South’s Bukkake Bonanza vol. 69”) but forcing a horse to fuck a woman in the ass likely hurts both animals involved and should not be allowed.

  5. You used “porn” and “common sense” in the same sentence. That’s like a double negative.

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