Hotmovies are Either Misinformed Or Complete Idiots

Or maybe they just think you are.

This was in a press release that was run in both AVN and Xbiz and neither bother to actually FACT check it.   But Hotmovies is an advertiser so….

HotMovies has sponsored FreedomStreams events since 2006, and through them raised tens of thousands of dollars for FSC, which lobbies in Washington and other key battlegrounds to protect first amendment rights on behalf of the adult industry.

Ok That right there is bullshit right off the bat  The FSC doesn’t lobby in Washington DC, They arent even currently registered to Lobby in the state of California.   They are registered but the status is “In suspense” see this link

“More than ever before, we are under attack,” Cybert said. “The AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF) pulled the wool over voters’ eyes last fall and the result was a measure that is designed to suppress adult filmmaking in greater Los Angeles under the guise of worker safety.

I guess that’s arguable but for the FSC to say that AHF pulled the wool over anyones eyes is CERTAINLY the pot calling the kettle black.

It requires all adult performers to use protective barriers such as condoms and dental dams when performing any act likely to generate bodily fluids.

Talk about pulling the wool over peoples eyes…Measure B SAYS NO SUCH THING!   It says explicitly that condoms are required for vaginal and anal intercourse.  PERIOD  anyone who even uses the word Dental dam should be immediately branded an idiot and taught to read.

It creates the need for oversight by already taxed law enforcement and government agencies. And it is entirely unnecessary because the industry already polices itself very, very effectively.

Once again  complete bullshit. STD rates in porn are an order of magnitude higher than they are in the general population, there are at least a dozen studies by a dozen different people, all scientifically valid that say the same thing.  There is not ONE SINGLE study that refutes any of them.

Measure B completely ignores all common sense and, perhaps most importantly, the overwhelming desire of the performers themselves.”

Once again a lie, Measure B really makes more common sense than this idiots argument, which isnt saying much.

I have said it before and I will say it again The only way to defeat Measure B would have been to proactively address the issues of STDs in porn and the performers right to choose to use a condom or not use one, before the measure ever even passed. Are you people REALLY dumb enough to think the FSC can “fix it” now?  They couldn’t do it when it should have been simple.

If we want to have any prayer of minimal government regulation in porn we had damn well better learn how to control ourselves and stop making these stupid fucking “dental dams” and there never was a problem arguments.

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Hotmovies are Either Misinformed Or Complete Idiots

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4 Responses

  1. This kind crap that Ahf Shelle Lubben get off on becuase so badly misinform that fucktard porn.

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