Bullshit is an art that can only be perfected by constant repetition

I was taking it easy tonight, watching the ID channel when a story came on about a sick little girl named Gypsy Rose. Her mother claimed the poor girl was horribly ill and needed all kinds of medical treatment. She would fundraise to get her daughter a wheelchair and then she would fundraise to get her some sort of other medical treatment. This would go on for years. But it turns out, the little girl wasn’t sick at all. It was all a big scam for the mom to get money and attention.


This story isn’t unique though. Who here remembers a Digital Playground contract star named Raven Alexis? She went as far to shave her head to fake cancer for attention.

Raven Alexis faked cancer
Raven Alexis faked cancer

Then there was Trinity St. Clair, whose mother actually has an illness, but she pretended it was significantly worse than it was, to run a fake GoFundMe and get money from her fans to “help her mom”, which according to some was actually just a way for her to allow John’s to pay for her escorting services with a credit card.

In reality, her own doctor said that her condition hadn’t changed since her last MRI that took place on October 7, 2015. “very similar in appearance to the most recent prior MRI of 10/7/2015.” In other words, her condition hasn’t deteriorated so badly that she suddenly needs urgent medical care that will cost her a lot of money.

Nowhere in that document does it says anything about “severely impaired” or that there was very little room for hope. In fact, it clearly says she’s had no change in her condition since October of 2015. Big shocker, Trinity St. Clair committed fraud, considering all the other things she has done.

But she’s not the only one running a fake GoFundMe scam. Most recently it was none other than Randy Quintara from Society 15.


See it seems he got a DUI in Las Vegas and he had his friend porn star Nina Elle start a GoFundMe, of which they claimed that he was out celebrating his birthday and got in a wreck. “On the way home he was trying to avoid a car swerving into his lane and ended up in a terrible accident. He totaled his car and has internal bruising and a broken hand that will need surgery in the future. Any donation is appreciated to help with medical expenses, recovery costs and help with car insurance fees.”

What they forgot to mention is that the money he really needed was for his DUI! Yep, Randy had his friend porn star Nina Elle create a GoFundMe to pay for his DUI! In fact they are still collecting money on the GoFundMe.

It looks like GoFundMe is getting hip to these bullshit porn scams though. They recently just terminated Dana DeArmond’s GoFundMe campaign to get a butt implants.

318180cookie-checkBullshit is an art that can only be perfected by constant repetition

Bullshit is an art that can only be perfected by constant repetition

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9 Responses

  1. so Nina didn’t like the way she treated by Brazzers, but it’s ok to scam people out of money?

  2. Given Dana DeArmond’s personality, I’ll put money down that the butt implants suggestion was probably made “tongue in cheek.” Buz-ZING.

  3. Dana is a character, isn’t she? I do have one thought regarding that screenshot, though. It essentially stated that adult film performers and cam girls are banned from the platform without exception. Why ban them completely, not wanting to deal with tit and ass implants is one thing but what if (like another girl right now — even though I disagree with the amount of cash she is trying to raise) a performer gets cancer and needs to raise a bit of cash to pay bills while out of work due to treatment? I don’t see where that would be something that they should need to ban completely. We should be beyond the “porn performers are trash so let’s segregate them off of society”, even Ted “Ban Everything Sexual” Cruz was caught using porn for fuck’s sake! Grow the fuck up and accept that others may not agree with you regarding sex outside of a legal marriage.

  4. Dana should use any donations that she actually received to get a brain transplant. How she made it in porn for so long is beyond me. Dana is not attractive, has a horrible personality and is only capable of gonzo porn. That chick is even more crotchety than I, I am surprised that she hasn’t been arrested for assault after getting pissed at something that someone said and beating his/her ass as her response! I think if I were directing a movie that Dana would be one of the last people I would consider hiring.

  5. Dana is good people, I met her before she started in the industry. She’s got personality, she also has a sarcastic wit coupled with an irreverent sense of humor.Be advised, She doesn’t suffer fools gladly….

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