AB1576 The Condom Law Passes The Appropriations Committee

After much debate on both sides AB1576 aka The Condom law has been passed by the appropriations committee.  This time committe chair Mike Gatto voted for passage.

[Added]  the current vote in the appropriations committee is 8-3  in favor, apparently it needs one more vote for passage meaning the bill is “on call”.  I expect it will get that vote and then some at which point it moves forward

I attempted to record the audio of the entire hearing but it didn’t work, if anyone has it and would like to email it to me feel free and I will post it




104710cookie-checkAB1576 The Condom Law Passes The Appropriations Committee

AB1576 The Condom Law Passes The Appropriations Committee

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39 Responses

  1. Actually it hasnt passed yet. It is “on call” meaning not all of the committee member were present to vote. Though the current vote is very heavily in favor of passage it is techically not over yet.

    Very interesting that Gatto voted “aye” PS,,,Mike Gattos staff is very friendly, and they were very receptive to what I had to say, and hell, they picked up the lunch and dinner tabs too.

  2. Also, I’m going to guess the “on call” is fairly intentional to avoid a disruption to other bills on the agenda.

    The whole hearing was rather strange. But, I totally won the “privacy issue” bet!!!

  3. Cool on offering audio..also recorded the 1:10 minute hearing, the first 50 minutes are public pro/con then extensive panel questions before the vote in the final minute.
    Reviewing it now to clear up discrepancies in reports that the bill passed vs was put on hold…

  4. if you have that recording as a computer file send it to me pls TY it was put on call needing one more aye vote but it got that vote shortly after the hearing

  5. Votes:

    Seventeen members are on the committee, right now the vote stands at
    Ayes = 8
    Noes = 3

    Bigelow and Bradford each gave audible abstentions
    Holden, Jones, Ridley-Thomas and Wagner also weren’t recognized by the secretary as voting.

  6. LO EFFING L,,,,Y’all got to look at the article by Mark Kernes on AVN.

    The bill passed,”but with several no votes” as is 3 of 17 comittee members voting no is relevant to anything. Talk about trying to put a SPIN on something. But then again, getting even one no vote would probably be touted by a win by a group that has been getting their asses handed to them at every turn. ON TO THE FLOOR

  7. I know this, but it seemed many were saying “I” and then others were saying “A.”
    Must be accents, but it confused me just a little… after that hearing I think my brain is dead though so that might be why as well…. lol.

  8. To give kernes benefit of the doubt….the two audible abstentions also carry the weight of a NO vote in simple majority votes. Would have to look at their voting rules but assume it was simple majority because the secretary didn’t recognize Bigelow or Bradford as abstentions which come into play in many voting scenarios.

    Aye votes:

    No votes:

  9. So, what your saying is that it’s impossible for it to not pass… even if every vote was a nay they would be at 8 ayes, 7 nays with 2 absents, right?

  10. @lacey
    Break out the “no fault spoils”
    Almost pissed my pants laughing when Lorelei Lee pulled out Condom Rash causing higher susceptibility in personal lives where condoms aren’t used.

    Gonna type up notes real quick…be warned names are gonna be wrong with phonetic presentation cuz im counting on folks to correct them vs hunting them each up for verification so I can give the quick down and dirty before transcribing the hearing.

  11. Tyvm for not forgetting how tech ignorant I am, feeling pretty proud of myself for actually figuring out that windows media would record and then converting it into iTunes for listening flexibility…check your mail.

    Edit…aw crap bigger than 25mb..loading into google drive now..hope it does it by itself… I’m clueless 😉

  12. That’s ok, I pissed myself when Tynan said there are no Cal-OSHA guidelines for the adult industry and that porn performers aren’t sex workers.

    The fuuuccckkkkk?

  13. @lacey

    Yes, as mike pointed out for simple majority it needs one more vote, half of 17 is rounded up to require 9 for passage.

    This bill is a football in the air right now and were on commercial break waiting to see where it goes in a swirling windstorm.

    With six votes officially uncounted it could go YEA, NO or TIE.

    Without reading their specific voting regs, I can’t give a clear answer about how abstentions vs not present is handled. I also missed the initial roll call that determined quorum so don’t know if any of those four were present and gave a nodded abstention which could lean the bill towards failure.

    If it passes, it goes to the floor of the entire assembly which is just a larger version of these hearings.

  14. The point she and another attorney were making is that adult film performers are not synonymous with sex-workers (prositutes) as regulated by Nevada. They maintain that adult film performer would not be subject to the regulations in place for sex workers similar to the industry stance that they weren’t subject to cal/OSHA BBP regulations.

  15. Aww fuck it…if I get to I’ll transcribe it without commentary…here’s my overall hearing impression…and why I wouldn’t even try to guess the outcome until either one more known recorded YEA vote or the official vote tally.

    Thirteen minutes into panel questions Gatto interrupted and asked if the bill should be moved to suspension (a committee rules procedure) Weber later opined that the bill was a candidate for suspension. Despite their AYE votes this comes across as less than overwhelming support and suggests their idea that a final vote would be best delayed for more information through the suspension process.

    I am not familiar enough with their committee rules to say whether a point of order can be called to place a motion and vote if seconded to put the Bill into suspension. I do know that the chair didn’t ask for a motion to suspend and no one offered it when Weber gave her opinion. To me with the four outstanding votes this is much more of an issue right now than the public comments.

    Bottom line I’m concerned that this bill isn’t out of procedural limbo till the counting is done.

  16. I say potato. You say potaaaato. LOL.

    Couldn’t they come up with something better than aye?
    Aye, A, I, Nay, A…. how confusing. Hahaha.

  17. Wouldn’t suspending the bill mean suspending normal procedure to force a course of action or to move the bill through quickly?

    I probably have this completely wrong. There’s about a 90% chance of it.
    But, I always thought the suspension of a bill was to speed up the process in getting the bill through committee faster?

  18. I understood their stance and agree, but flat out saying they’re not sex workers is a little ridiculous.

    To be honest, the whole argument is rather vague.
    Of course “non sex worker” porn performers wouldn’t be subject to the regulations in place for brothel workers, etc.
    That’s because there are no specific regulations pertaining to porn performers in NV.
    The fact is they aren’t subject to regulations because THERE ARE NONE… yet.

    So, I guess Nevada OSHA is now going to be releasing specific OSHA regulations pertaining to the adult industry? And, those regulations are going to include an “anything goes” provision?

    Porn performers in NV aren’t currently regulated because there are no regulations in place.
    Do they really think NV and/or OSHA isn’t going to push the issue and just ignore it and pretend the adult industry doesn’t even exist?

  19. Jilted
    Good job. Just need to let the floor
    know that all the unprotected hooking
    going on is the reason this is all going
    down. STD’s and HIV are coming into
    the industry and making people upset
    about their rights and jobs being at stake
    is because of the ‘WHORING”.
    Stop the unprotected whoring and this wouldn’t
    be going down.

  20. @Lacey

    suspension is a normal process, ninth AYE vote came in so it isnt an issue with respect to AB1576 now.

    re: sex worker comments, id actually be disappointed if Tynan didn’t raise the issue because Hall raised the issue of legal shooting in only 3 jurisdictions as well as Nevada rules that are costly.

    now on the flip side…outside a hearing or similar setting I totally get your point and would hysterically laugh if a porn performer tried to tell me they weren’t a sex worker and ask…so tell me what it is you do for a paycheck again. 😉

  21. I understood her point and why she brought it up, but I was still sitting there trying my hardest not to facepalm myself into next year… *facepalm*

    Although, It had more to do with the no Cal-OSHA regulations for the adult industry.
    It takes *literally* 30 seconds to google them…. wtf?

    If I HAD to guess I’m going to assume she was referring to the notion that performers are considered Independent Contractors not covered under OSHA, but we all know that’s far from the truth. Therefore, IC’s wouldn’t be covered under OSHA workplace rules which is also far from the truth. Federal classified Independent contractors are different than OSHA classifications.
    Her statements make much more sense if I look at them from that point of view, but they’re still misleading and quite frankly not true.

  22. @Lacey

    are you seriously expecting FSC or its barkers to be rational or logical?

    lets take those 500+ signatures offered…lets assume they are all California residents for the sake of argument…
    500 x 400 = 200k times 12 months = $2.4 million workers are forking out reducing their living wages approx 5k annually….id love to chat with Diane Duke to know just whose wooing porn for the great living wages they offer…over the past 10 months performers and every other ancillary job related to porn has expressed fear and economic hardship with the added burden of moratia….more likely the consumer $ and ancillary service $ porn generates is being wooed via unhappy big ticket stakeholders who think that testing money is better in their pocket than performers.

    now for the kicker….Lorelie Lee repped APAC when she presented those 500+ signatures, mentioned Duke….and dont forget Tynan

    only logic behind that is ..performers its better to pay 5k a year to have a job than no money at all

  23. @Lacey

    Yes, I’m very sure just checked notes.

    Reminds me I want to ask jilted about the ELISA vs Antigen test stuff she said…as I understood it APTIMA HIV1 is a PCR-RNA that detects viral particles, while antigen tests are a third and distinct tool (type test).

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