Our Own Kayden Kross Gets Some Pretty Heavy Kudos

Kayden has been beat up on a lot recently, not so much by fans as by people with an agenda, so it pleases me to say something nice about our girl here.  She has always had and will continue to have my support.

Over at Xcritic they reviewed Kaydens latest from Adam and Eve, “Kayden Exposed”

Some selected quotes:

“It stars their contract star Kayden Kross. She has been in several movies with this studio in the past. I highly recommend her first release for Adam & Eve Kayden’s Krossfire. She was very good in that movie, but one can tell that she has vastly blossomed into one of adult movie’s superstars. She is a very quick learner and she loves her fans. Getting back to Kayden’s Exposure, I have to say that there really is no single plot that intertwines the five scenes. Each scene is taken in it’s solitary space. Nevertheless, this movie is the best that I have seen this year.”

“Kayden always looks beautiful. She never has a bad look.”

“Her scene is remarkable and very professional.”

“The cover of the DVD case has Kayden Kross on it by herself. It is fitting because this movie has her best work up to date. She stands head and heels above the rest of the cast. Nevertheless, the other women and men also brought their A plus game to this movie. In particular, Sammie Rhodes’ performance is one of her best in her career by far. A huge credit must go to director Andre Madness in pulling off one of the best movies of the year. It deserves a lot of recognition when the AVN awards come around. I happily give this movie a XCritic Pick recommendation.”

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Our Own Kayden Kross Gets Some Pretty Heavy Kudos

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