Kudos and an Apology to Jessica Drake

While I do believe that there were some descrepancies around that old story I’m now convinced that they didn’t have anything to do with Jessica.  Why you ask? Because she talked to me and convinced me that they didn’t.

It would have been nice if someone from Wicked had responded like that when I asked them to…oh well.

What Jessica did do was she helped a friend of mine tonight. She didn’t have to, she even knew this person was my friend and she was nice and pleasant and helpful and that warrants a reconsideration on my part.

Thanks Jessica, I’m sorry I misjudged you, drink on me at XRCO.  Should you ever have something you’d like to say here, you have my word I will run it unedited.

26000cookie-checkKudos and an Apology to Jessica Drake

Kudos and an Apology to Jessica Drake

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2 Responses

  1. “I’m now convinced that they didn’t have anything to do with Jessica. Why you ask? Because she talked to me and convinced me that they didn’t.”

    seriously? so some hot MILF convinced you eh? hmmm. was she armed with evidence or was she that good at giving blowjobs?

  2. Now why ya got to be hatin …LOL

    dont be so cynical there was no oral sex or any other sex involved, I haven’t even met Ms Drake in person, yet anyhow. She simply was nice to a friend of mine when she didn’t have to be. That goes a LONG way with me.

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