Just Damn…..I’m Wrong:

It only happens once a year but I got it wrong. It seems that Video Team and Ayana Angel kissed and made up and now she is Video Team’s contract girl. Kudos to them both. Ayana is indeed a hottie!

No Respect…

I see Video Team is throwing a big party for the release of Lil John & the Eastside Boyz Video. As my loyal readers know, that video would never have happened without me. It was shot here in atlanta, I supplied the talent, male and female, I supplied direction of the sex scene, including one with me, I supplied cameras, lighting, mics, c-lights, hell they wouldn’t even have been 2257 compliant without my advice. Now for all of this I invoiced the production company the paltry sum that we agreed on, 1500.00 I never got paid, and I suspect I never will. Now in Lil Johns defense, they weren’t responsible for paying me, the production company was but the production company didn’t.

I’m old school y’all when I hire someone who hires you I figure the buck stops here, and I will make damn sure you get paid but thats just me.

Now do I get an invite to this shindig release party…..nope…hell they shoulda flown me out for it….OH well.

I did note that AVN made noise about the Video Team contract girls Daisy and Ayana Angel being there OOOPs apparently nobody told AVN that Ayana Angel never signed with Video Team, she isn’t a contract girl, atter of fact she wasn’t pleased with the whole deal at all after Adult Expo, but thats another story.

Loaded in L.A…..Is She Really Going Out With Him Part 2:

Once again the adoreable and lovely little Miss Jesse Jane has requested that I accompany her to the ultra exclusive, invite only premiere of “Loaded” How can I turn that down? An invite only party with free food and drink and Jesse on my arm…I’m there the 26th of this month!!!.

Heres the movie Trailer, it actually looks pretty good.

Loaded Trailer

11620cookie-checkJust Damn…..I’m Wrong:

Just Damn…..I’m Wrong:

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Mike South

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