This guy was the only one protesting the InterneXt Show in Hollywood Beach

This guy was the only one protesting the InterneXt Show in Hollywood Beach

Some people would see him as an enemy of free speech, me, I think he is a patriotic American EXCERSIZING his RIGHT TO FREE SPEECH! I would fight anyone who attempted to take this right away from him right to my last breath. The larger question looms would he do the same for me? Does this fellow recognize that as soon as he gives the Imperial Federal Government the right to stamp out my free speech his may be next on the hit list? Does this church going fellow recognize that the same amendment that gives him the right to assemble and protest and that gives him the right to worship however he chooses is the same one that allows me to make pornography?

4450cookie-checkThis guy was the only one protesting the InterneXt Show in Hollywood Beach

This guy was the only one protesting the InterneXt Show in Hollywood Beach

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Mike South

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