Some odds & ends from the show:

Tera Patrick and her new beau were spotted on the floor of the show today, It is said that she was signing at the AIM Booth, but I saw them at the Jill Kelly Booth and word is she is trying to get them to give her work. I hope Jill Kelly, front person for Bob Friedlander isn’t that stupid. I saw them leave shortly after they arrived then they returned. A photographer Annali is telling people that Tera may work for anyone now, that is very simply not true and would likely get anyone shooting her into a legal battle that they would just as soon avoid. If Tera was signing at the AIM Booth, the right thing for AIM to have done would have been to ask the folks a Digital Playground, lets face it y’all we need to show just a little solidarity here, Digital Playground created a monster in Tera Patrick and now that monster is coming back to bite them. The investment that they have in Tera is huge and Tera owes them, both legally and more importantly, morally.

I had a great dinner with Jewn, Adella, Jesse Jane, JimmyD, Tod Hunter, Tim and Felicia Fox, Harry Weiss, Donna and Aaron, Carly Milne and Robby D on Wednedsday night, it was here that I learned that Carly Milne actually talks to her cats on the phone, Adell prefers Captain Morgan and Jesse Jane is an absolute little doll baby. Also discovered is that the ever reclusive Jewn Likes Prime Rib but only eats the center out of it…

Mike “Quasarman” McCormick went into hysterics and possibly a drinking binge because his first night hotel was at the infamous “Vagabond Inn”. It is almost right next door to the Venetian but as Tim Case put it “Dude thats the nastiest fucking hotel in Vegas”. Naturally I had to check out the rooms….lets just say the cock roaches were big enough to stand flat footed and fuck a frying sized chicken…and leave it at that.

I saw Tera and Evan at a “Playboy” function tonight and Evan gave me a hard stare but didn’t come up and introduce himself.

It seems my buddy Devon Michaels is now the girlfriend of Julian, Jill Kelly’s on again off again boyfriend. I reckon Devon best be looking outside JKP for work now.

Theres more but it’s late and I am beat…besides these are the “highlights”.


6710cookie-checkSome odds & ends from the show:

Some odds & ends from the show:

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