Well Kiss My Ass Someone In Porn Actually gets It

While Wicked and Vivid and Digital Playground are all shoving their collective heads in the sand and blowing wind out of their asses about how great their sales are and how they are leading in technology because they are releasing hi-def DVDs one guy actually stood up at Adult Expo and told the truth.

“I think everybody is being affected by the slow decline of the DVD,” said Hustler Sales Manager David Diamond. “But the great thing about Hustler is we’re not just heading in one direction, we have tons of other avenues. I’ve been in this game long enough a started out in DVDs when VHS was king. But then slowly you started to see the rise of the DVD. I think that the DVD has longer staying power than VHS and I really don’t think that HD or Blu-Ray are going to be making that big of an impact. I have all of this equipment, and to be honest with you, I don’t see that big of difference, when it comes to porn. Sports and HD broadcasting might be a different story, but not porn.”

Now there’s a guy that will help some company survive into the future.

Congrats David you are an asset to your company.

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Well Kiss My Ass Someone In Porn Actually gets It

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