XBiz Sells Out The Adult Industry, How Much Did ICM Pay You?:

XBiz Sells Out The Adult Industry, How Much Did ICM Pay You?:

XBiz proudly announced last night that they would be giving us the “priviledge” of letting us find out exactly how ICM Registry and Stuart Lawley plan to fuck us, not IF but WHEN, .XXX passes.

Thats right XBiz is throwing in the towel and almost sounding like they now support the .XXX Top Level Domain.

XBiz I am going to call you out right here and now. You are spineless, gutless, chickenshit mother fuckers. If you really wanted to do something for this industry you would have Stuart Lawley stand up and face us at the “XBiz (Sold to the highest bidder) Awards” and make him explain why he keeps trying to ram this down everyones throat when we have made it very clear that we do not want it. (I will give you the truth it’s money)

Cock Roach Lawley tried to buy the FSC and he almost succeeded…the price 8 dollars per domain sold in exchange for the FSC’s support. Fortuneatly Bill Lyon saw it for what it was an blocked it, even though ICMR had bought enough memberships to rig the vote.

So tell us XBiz, How much did ICMR and Stuart Lawley pay YOU to sell us out.

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XBiz Sells Out The Adult Industry, How Much Did ICM Pay You?:

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