Xbiz Doesn’t Want Me To Question Stuart Lawley About .XXX

I have been gathering a MOUNTAIN of info about Xbiz and Stuart Lawley and .xxx
As soon as I heard that xbiz had invited Lawley to represent ICMRegistry on their forum, I joined, because I certainly have some questions for Mr Lawley, questions he has dodged in the past. XBiz has, so far, refused to approve me.

One of those questions was asked by Dave Cummings:

I vaguely recall attending a FSC meeting at the Marriott Hotel off of Topanga Canyon Bl where a number of folks I didn’t recognize as involved in the “Adult Industry” were signing up to belong to the FSC just outside the meeting room.

I think attorney Larry Walters addressed us during the formal part of the meeting, and I think (but can’t recall for sure) I remember him saying that he was from Florida and knew ICM there, and that he said nice things about ICM. Someone (maybe it was Larry?) also said that ICM was offering FSC $10 per .xxx registration if FSC became a supporter of .xxx.

Bill Lyons, then the head of FSC, told us (as best I can recall) from the podium that he recommended against FSC supporting any specific private business matter. I seem to recall a subsequent vote of the then membership attendees being taken against accepting the ICM proposal (the new strangers who joined FSC earlier that night, those people whom I didn’t recognize as part of the Industry, seemed to have raised their hands during the vote to accept the ICM $10 per .xxx signup), while the majority of FSC members in attendance voted against the ICM $10 per .xxx signup incentive for us to endorse .xxx.

The ICM proposal was NOT adopted.

I don’t recall seeing any of those new FSC “joinees” out-siders who voted for ICM ever attending future FSC Membership meetings that I attended.

To which Stuart Lawley replied:

“Im not even going to dignify that with an answer”

OK Lawley, let me tell you something you arrogant, self serving, piece of shit.

Dave Cummings is a very respected member of the adult community, He has a long and distinguished military career in the service of this country if he asks you a question, you are NOT above answering it, specially when it is a question that has been widely asked elsewhere and that we have a right to get a straight answer to.

Back in 2005 Bill Lyon,  then FSC director told me that ICMRegistry offered the FSC 8.00 per domain sold for their support, he also told me, as Dave pointed out that you tried to stack the deck to win the FSC approval.

So tell me Lawley, is Bill Lyon lying?  What is his motivation to do so?  Your motivations are pretty transparent to me anyway, you appear to be  little more than a money grubbing whore, who would sell his own mother for a few quid. (Lawley is British, and has NO connection to the industry)

You have repeatedly lied and misrepresented this industry, even AVN has reported on it (Funny thing though XBiz has NOT).

When asked to specifically name names and tell us all who supports .xxx Lawley has repeatedly dodged the question.

I believe that XBiz is still in support of .xxx.  I believe that the rumors from multiple sources that Helmy’s organization ASACP is getting a kickback from the sale of every domain (Why else would they be 8-10 times the amount of a .com?)

Helmy through XBiz refuses to let me question Lawley on his forums.  He has never, to my knowledge come out in opposition to .xxx and he has come out in support of it (as AVN once did, softly)  AVN later came out in strong opposition.

There are traitors among us my friends. Traitors who would sell us out same as Lawley will, all because they are going to make money on the deal.

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Xbiz Doesn’t Want Me To Question Stuart Lawley About .XXX

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3 Responses

  1. @MikeSouth1226 In time when other people out side of porn want flush porn down down toilet. Last thing porn needs people inside porn sell tickets to watch get flush down toilet. Yet here case of just that guy make money off porn well helping people trying flush down toilet. The more porn claims have change more thing stay same with some people in it.

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