Who Are You

Who Are You?

One of the reasons I got into this business is because I could never identify with the people at my various jobs, largely because their lives were defined by their jobs. They had no real life or friends outside those they worked with but it even went deeper than that. Their jobs defined their friends and their relationships and even who they are.

In porn that didn’t happen so much, I have diverse friends who dont define our friendship by how I feel about their product, company, social circle or whatever.

That isn’t to say it doesn’t happen in porn, theres one person in particular who I thought had been my friend for a very long time, but I kind of learned that friendship was totally contingent on my attitude towards her product not our own relationship.

She simply couldn’t accept that I could be friends with her but critical of her product. The same reason she liked me is why she didn’t like me when she learned that just because we were friends didn’t protect her product from what I do.

I sat on stories of her number one girl turning tricks, doing massive amounts of drugs, and lots of other stuff but finally It got to the point that I couldn’t look at myself in the mirror because I felt I could do some good maybe…and I had to try.

Result, friendship terminated.

It’s sad really but not wholly unexpected, you could say she might be able to say that It’s me who can’t seperate from my job but that isn’t so she could do a press release saying how wrong I am yada yada she could say Ii betrayed her, whatever, she was my friend and I still wish she was business is business….don’t let yours consume you, it isn’t worth it, yes men are a dime a dozen, people who love you enough to tell you the truth when it hurts…those are real friends

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Who Are You

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Mike South

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