We UpGraded

It was time to upgrade to the latest stable version of wordpress and in doing so the old theme no longer worked.

So if you notice the site looks a little different, that’s why.

In the coming days I will be adding ad management to the site

The rates are

Sidebar ad: 150×240 $35.00 per month, location is random on each page load

Banner ad between posts: 50.00 per month, location is random on each page load

the number of ads is limited so that your ad always appears on every page.

Payments via paypal

I reserve the right to refuse ad space to anyone for any reason. I will not accept ads from any site dealing in illegal (including pirated) content.

Email me if you are interested in advertising here.

31740cookie-checkWe UpGraded

We UpGraded

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3 Responses

  1. well it wasnt so much to look good as it was to update wordpress which was 8 releases back and to add functionality that the newer version has in it

    as an author you will see a lot of new stuff on the write a post page, including the ability to add a small picture to the upper left of your article

    If you have any problems or anything just lemme know.

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Mike South

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