There’s Light At The End Of The Tunnel:
I’m still here in the hospital but prolly not for long. Im finally walking, though with some difficulty and the help of a walker. The breakthrough came Monday afternoon and when I took those steps and actually got out of the room and into the hall, across the hall then back to the bed and in it, I was so relieved I was in tears, I now know that I’m going to be able to walk and the relief brought on by that just washed over me and swept away a LOT of stress.
Now Im walking a lot, dressing myself, and can pretty much handle my day to day functions.
If all continues well Im outta here on Thursday
I have neuropathy (nerve damage) and the pain from that is very high but it seems to be manageable. I will be on a pretty high dose of neurontin for a while but hopefully the nerve will heal quickly.
I have formulated some thoughts on the biz while I have been here and bot have my eyes been opened to the problems this country faces with health care and I tell ya what the root of the problem isn’t what you think it is.