Theres a new idea in town!:

And I am inviting everyone to participtae. It is mostly for industry people but everyone is welcome to participate, I have spent many hours putting this together. It is an adult industry forum.

There are open forums where all may participate

There are forums for producer/directors ONLY as well as performers forums for performers ONLY

There is also a Store Owners/Clerks Forum

On registration everyone may participate in the main forum, for access to other forums please email me requesting access and I will grant it. Because I want performers to be able to talk openly about both good and bad experiences this forum is only open to verified adult performers, directors are not allowed access to this forum. Likewise the Directors forum, performers are not allowed access to that forum.

Both performers and directors will have access to the casting forum, please use this to post shoot dates, travel dates and such so that you may find work or talent.

Video Store Clerks, Performers and directors all have access to the Clerks forum, this is for the open exchange of ideas and suggestions with people who actually have to sell your product, it might also be used to find someone travelling into your area who is willing to do a store signing or just to post that you want someone to do a signing and take applications so to speak.

These forums may be used for other purposes, matter of fact I encourage you to use them any way you see fit. Lets make this successful beyond anyones wildest imagination.

Please visit and tell what you think, introduce yourself and help me to make this a useful place for everyone in the adult industry.

I am also looking for moderators for various forums here including the performers forum, if you are interested please email me.

Thanks Y’all

6620cookie-checkTheres a new idea in town!:

Theres a new idea in town!:

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Mike South

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