The Space Shuttle Columbia Exploded on Re-Entry Today:

The shuttle carried the first Isreali Astronaut breeding speculation of a terrorist attack. The altitude of the shuttle was 200.00 feet and it was traveling in the neighborhood of 12,000 Miles Per Hour, making any act of terrorism highly unlikely unless the act was planted prior to launch. The debris is expected to have fallen over the Dallas/Fort Worth Texas area. The seven Astronauts are all presumed dead. Just last week we observed the anniversary of the only two NASA Missions that resulted in deaths, The Challenger Explosion and Apollo fire. God Bless the families and friends of:
Rick Husband, William McCool, Michael Anderson, David Brown, Kalpana Chawla, Laurel Clark, Ilan Ramon.

As most of you know I worked at Kennedy Space Center for several years. I am a believer in the space program and when something like this happens it deeply saddens me.


7100cookie-checkThe Space Shuttle Columbia Exploded on Re-Entry Today:

The Space Shuttle Columbia Exploded on Re-Entry Today:

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