The NAACP To Hold A Funeral For “Nigger”:

The NAACP To Hold A Funeral For “Nigger”:

The National Association For The Advancement Of Colored People (Thats what NAACP stands for) has announced that in June it will hold a mock funeral for the word “nigger”.

Interesting, considering the only place I ever hear the word anymore is out of the mouths of “Colored People” …and I live in Georgia for God’s sake.

I have two issues here, the first being that hey it’s just a word, in my opinion the context is what makes the word offensive or not. When Richard Pryor used it it didn’t offend me and apparently it didn’t offend many others either, but guess what even if it is offensive it’s far more offensive to ban the use of the word as some communities have tried to do.

Which leads me to problem number two. If you want equality you can’t hold yourself out as separate. Either you are equal or you aren’t. As such I have a better idea for the NAACP….Bury and hold a funeral for the NAACP and give birth to the NAAP, after all aren’t we all equal? Aren’t all people worthy of advancement.

I think George Bernard Shaw said; “The only thing we learn from history is that we learn nothing from history”

Lets learn from our history and make the whole separate but equal idea….well, history.

That’s the way i see it.

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The NAACP To Hold A Funeral For “Nigger”:

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