The “Inevitable” Bee comes evitable And A Big FUCK YOU To XBiz and Alec Helmy:

Yes I Know I Didn’t Do An April Fool Column Yesterday:

Sorry it just wasn’t in me, I have been on a downswing lately and I just havent felt well, still dont actually, but I’m sure I will perk up soon. Some rain to decrease the pollen here would prolly help…

The “Inevitable” Bee comes  evitable And A Big FUCK YOU To XBiz and Alec Helmy:

XBiz, whose owner Alec Helmy reportedly has a vested interest in .xxx passing, had stated that .XXX top level domain was “inevitable” well fuck you Helmy.

Turns out that the people at ICANN weren’t all that convinced that the adult industry wanted .xxx like the walking piece of shit Stuart Lawley from ICMR, who would have administered the registration of the domains at unreasonably high prices, proclaimed.

The result, ICANN shot down the idea for what should be the final time. When asked an ICANN council member noted essentially that pigs will be flying out of Alec Helmey and Stuart Lawleys asses before ICANN will reconsider this abortion.

Kudos to AVN, The Free Speech Coalition, Paul Fishbein, Dave Cummings and everyone else in the biz who helped to get the word to ICANN that the adult industry does NOT support .XXX.

Stuart Lawley, who has thrown a lot of money into this hole has indicated that he will not give up and that he intends to pursue legal action. Hope you got lots of money Lawley cuz I for one am going to enjoy seeing you go broke pursueing this.

When XBiz did report the vote, it was the next to the last thing in thier little newsletter. Helmy claimed after being pressured, that he and XBiz were against the TLD but he didn’t do anything to support that statement and there are good sources who indicated to me that Helmy’s organization ASCAP was to be given 8.00 per domain.


95470cookie-checkThe “Inevitable” Bee comes evitable And A Big FUCK YOU To XBiz and Alec Helmy:

The “Inevitable” Bee comes evitable And A Big FUCK YOU To XBiz and Alec Helmy:

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