The FSC Claims There Are No Cases of Antibiotic resistant Gonorrhea In Porn

Diane Duke did the press release through the usual press release sites, she hasn’t contacted me.

As of now I do believe this story to be true I have independent verification as well as contact from someone claiming to be one of the exposures.

if anyone has any info I want to hear it TY

More as it develops.

88180cookie-checkThe FSC Claims There Are No Cases of Antibiotic resistant Gonorrhea In Porn

The FSC Claims There Are No Cases of Antibiotic resistant Gonorrhea In Porn

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88 Responses

  1. Until the performer in question steps up, it’s all just hear say. So, if they both tested positive about three weeks ago how could they have had any contact with anyone on set? You can’t work with a dirty test.

    “Between the two of them they had contact with 12 females, and 4 male performers, and an unknown number of private contacts.”

  2. Shouldn’t you report what you know to the FSC? Have the performers in question reported to the right medical professionals or the FSC? Or just to you? That rebuke was pretty specific, would they risk flat out denying it after all their bad publicity through this year? What I mean is would they risk being this wrong? I’m inclined to believe them because I can’t imagine what they gain from not being out in front of this story. Getting caught in a lie about this would seem to be pretty bad for them. Could you elaborate on why they don’t have the info you have and why you shouldn’t provide them the info you have to prevent worse problems?

  3. it wouldnt be the first time the fsc has denied and been wrong or even the second or third.

    My sources say this one is dead on accurate truth is i wish it was wrong but my instinct tells me that it is not. This is a well placed source who IS in a position to know and has never been wrong in the past.

  4. Okay, but why is this person or the performers not telling the FSC? Or are you saying they have the information and are outright lying? If so, what advantage is there for them to be seen as lairs or behind on a story this big. They clearly saw your post, wouldn’t they then check with facilities and performers to see if it was true? I guess I want to know why they don’t know what you do and why you with more info aren’t providing it to them? Wouldn’t your proof and sources help to maybe cause a stoppage in filming and maybe help people? Have the performers gone to legit medical facilities and reported this?

  5. As someone trying to break stories you have to put faith in sources and I believe you about your source. I still however feel a bit hesitant at the idea of reporting things as fact and then saying, my “instinct” is that it’s true. Instinct is not a very factual term. Instinct is not evidence. Time will tell. Update if you have more to report. I just can’t figure out how they can say your report is wrong unless your source or performers are not being very open with their info. And why in the world would you not be open with this if it is a serious spread risk is pretty odd. FSC outright lying doesn’t make sense to me either. This seems like a story where the truth will get out, so being seen as lying or being behind hurts them a ton.

  6. If the FSC actually knew this information first then you wouldn’t have heard about it.. it would have been kept quiet and no one would even know about it…

    Not saying the FSC is responsible for anything. Just stating a fact that just because the FSC or their affiliated clinics don’t know about this doesn’t mean it’s not true. Performers can and do go to private doctors.

    And, no one can say they have a clue about Florida performers. I don’t believe the FSC has anything to do with Florida?

    If you really think about it, there have to be performers being treated for gonorrhea currently. No one would even know whether is was “Super Gonorrhea” until that person went through multiple courses of antibiotics and finally determined none of them work…

    Just from Mike’s post it says the supposedly infected performers tested positive for gonorrhea 3 weeks ago and they are just now determining it to be a form of antibiotic resistant gonorrhea due to the fact that the performers have probably been through multiple courses of different antibiotics at this point and none of them are working..

  7. Its difficult to understand how FSC could say that with certainty.

    For one, I would assume that they’re going by their PASS system. There are many producers, many major producers even, that do not use the PASS system, and still require a 30 day test. There are many performers that may have never worked for a company that required them to be in PASS, and therefor would not be in the PASS system and would not come up as having tested positive for gonorrhea consistently. Saying that there is no anti-biotic resistant case of gon. is assuming that all performers in the business are in PASS, and assuming that they are able to accurately recognize when a performer has tested positive for gon, been treated, and tested positive again.

  8. Oh and Mike has to be careful about HIPPA laws as well.. even if a performer specifically called him on the phone and emailed their test results or something, then Mike or his source aren’t even allowed to discuss the specifics unless the infected performer made the choice to come forward.

    Essentially, Mike is not even allowed to give any information to the FSC at this point.

  9. Per Duke…no on set transmission….”No such cases exist in the ACTIVE tested performer population”

    Key word…ACTIVE…when they initially tested positive for GC they were marked ‘unavailable’ aka INACTIVE.

    Reading article linked by jilted…approx 300k REPORTED cases of GC, ACTUAL estimated to be closer to 820k due to large number of asymptomatic cases that have not been tested/reported. After excluding those who reported sexual contact between initial test, treatment and second test confirming resistant GC they say seven percent of the GC is resistant.

  10. I don’t know. It seemed like a pretty direct response to Mike’s specific post. If there are performer or 1 performer in California that has contracted this superbug and Mike knows about it, why does the industry at large or FSC not? If they don’t Mike and the performers should be very transparent as it could help stop spread. Lacey, how would FSC cover up a disease you called “worse than HIV”? Why do we know about the HIV+ cases? That doesn’t line up with your cover-up narrative. Mike who says he has a source and info should be connecting that source and info to FSC or find another way of getting that info to the porn community. Wouldn’t that help people in this scenario?

  11. @Lacey

    You’re points make the case for why it’s sometimes best to work behind the scenes…IF these performers out themselves by name…they will be ostracized, given 15 minutes of fame by name…as the ONE WITH THE SUPER GONORREAH…who needs that? People speculating and gossiping about them by name…looking, hoping the super bug came from some irresponsible behavior on their part vs…accepting reality, this started three weeks ago…these performers may have worked up to thirty days with old clean test…who knows if they got GC on day one or day 29? So that’s up to 45 days worth of positive industry tests that could be affected…scary shit.

    Time will tell …in the meantime..if you test(ed) positive for GC ask for a culture so you can rule this out or work with your docs for appropriate care going forward.

  12. In her press release dianne duke also asks performers to ‘be vigilant in their personal lives.’ OF couse its perfectly fine to be as risk taking as possible when youre on the job and that poses no threat to anyone.

    No ACTIVE performers have gonnoreah, Spoken like a true lawyer Dianne, kudos to you for being such a fine dancer with words.

    And the industry will now pull the cloak of privacy, via the HIPPA regulations, to prevent anybody from naming names. The FSC doesnt stand up for any rights, they hide behind them, especially when it prevents the truth from being known.

    The CDC, that is, the FEDERAL government is now involved, and you think doctors from the industry clinics are talking to Dianne Duke, or ANYBODY for that matter, to deny this is happening. Get real people. Do outyou really think with the FEDS directly involved that any doctor would risk their license to make a statement to Diann Duke about this. Reminds me of a line in a Rolling Stones song, “Lies, dripping off your mouth, like dirt,”

    That being said,
    Happy Thanksgiving everybody. I hope you ALL have a wonderful holiday

  13. The only way anyone would know ANY specifics other than this performer tested positive for gonorrhea is if the PERFORMER came forward. It seems one of the infected performers told Mike or his source, but they can’t say anything other than to try to warn people that it may be out there.. they can’t out the performer if the performer doesn’t want the public or even the FSC to know who they are… Maybe that performer doesn’t trust the FSC? Who really knows?

    That’s about the only reason you know about HIV+ performers.. because the performers CHOSE to come forward.

    It all revolves around HIPPA laws. Any performer could very well go to their own private doctor and no one would ever know they were infected.

    You can’t just say the performer, Mike or his source are wrong for not alerting the public with SPECIFICS when only the performer is allowed to give specifics.

  14. @lacey

    Don’t all the ‘approved facilities’ offer y/n performer reporting based on current industry panel for performers listed in PASS database?

    PASS has approved facilities nationwide….after all the speculation over HIV over the summer it would make sense if providers refuse to offer anything beyond that y/n to FSC….leaving FSC in the dark. If that’s the case…game has changed for FSC…PASS can inform who is available but that N isn’t even open to speculation 🙂 people on holiday, expired test, CT, HepC or super bug all come up the same..N. making idea that FSC can self regulate way to notify.

    On the other hand…the CDC is equipped to make those notifications, while maintaining infected individuals privacy. 🙂

  15. @ jilted

    This time I wonder if it is the industry pulling the HIPPA card…more like the industry self regulation methods caused providers to treat industry like a mushroom beyond that Y/N the providers are contracted to provide PASS database for registered performers.

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours as well!

  16. This performer has Gonorrhea so they can not work PERIOD. Unless they have faked several test like Mr Marcus, they are not getting no where near a set. The only way they can effect other performers is by having sex off camera.

  17. The CDC being involved is being overstated in importance immensely. 321,849 cases in the US were “reported to the CDC in 2011. “Reported” is also the word Mike used in his post. The “resistant to antibiotics” part is the key, not the CDC part. The CDC part by itself doesn’t mean much.

  18. It would seem they chose to cooperate with CDC who is actually equipped to deal with this and took additional step of giving the heads up so everyone possibly affected has a fighting chance to take appropriate measures vs counting on industry self regulation….

    I dare Duke/FSC to come back and say self regulation works if time bears out these reports..and she came out fighting..lies lies….seven percent of how many active cases of GC for those who report NO SEXUAL ACTIVITY between initial test, treatment and retest..yikes.

    Love the AVN post re AHF showing up at Nov 21st OSHA mtg with offer of condoms…did they forget to mention that FSC had people there too? didn’t see that anywhere…nice of AVN to quote OSHA not equipped to pass on directed donations of PPE (condoms as personal protection equipment) totally ignoring the obvious…offer of directed donation never would have happened if FSC/stakeholders had done their job.

  19. @Billy,
    they arent a threat NOW. But what about the time between when they got infected, and when they found out. And what if each of these two just infected one person, and each of them just infected on person, and so on and so on for a week or two?

    Just having gonnoreah does not prevent anyone from working, knowing they have gonnoreah prevents them from working, and these are two totally different things.

    And Lacey wins a gold star.

  20. What you are saying makes sense, Mike is constrained on what he can say. That doesn’t change the fact that because of that he is reporting things as facts, but is not able for your stated reason or another to give much evidence or proof. That leaves uncertainty. To advance the conversation or to get a stoppage for safety more needs to come out. Hopefully more details will come. No one has yet explained why the performer or source would leave the industry sop in the dark and not help get a stoppage, but tell Mike? The source and performer aren’t really helping the industry or the people they worked with by telling 1 blogger.

  21. @billy

    What about the ..up to thirty days prior to first ..dirty test? What about all the possible GC tested pos since then…how do we even know these are zero and one?

    Yep they went INACTIVE the day they showed pos…female may not have even known..asymptomatic GC more common in women…how many throat/anal not tested?

    Don’t care what Tom Tom other people are beating today…more than one valid tom tom to beat.

  22. Again he said “reported” to CDC. That is not involvement. CDC gets “reported” hundreds of thousands of cases a year. This is so they can keep statistics and other info. It does not mean they have any contact with the infected parties or are involved at any other level.

  23. Plus, as has been stated numerous times there are producers out there who don’t even use PASS.

    So, the FSC can’t even speak for all performers. The only performers who they can speak for are the performers who give them permission.

    If a performer contracts HIV and tells the FSC in order to let them contact 2nd generations, etc. then the public probably wouldn’t even know about it unless the performer chose to come forward publicly.

    No on-set HIV transmissions doesn’t mean there weren’t any. It just means no one knew about them or made it public.

    The FSC can’t even make that claim unless they knew everyone’s personal medical records and with HIPPA laws that’s impossible.

    The CDC or health officials would know, but they’re definitely not going to release a press release with names. I’m sure the CDC doesn’t differentiate between adult performers and regular people. It’s not their job to police the adult industry.

  24. @eric2690

    I’ll play…approx 300k REPORTED cases..actual estimated to be 820k with 7% Super Gonorreah (which will be low because we both know that number EXCLUDES people who reported sexual activity after initial pos GC test, treatment and retest) now you have CONSERVATIVELY 57,400 GC super bugs in US …using your numbers! So debunker…tell me how many tested positive for GC in INDUSTRY via APPROVED FACILITIES?

    Note: we have NO WAY of knowing verifiable actual, estimated or any other number of GC in the industry even through approved facilities following CLIA and reporting to local health depts. we do have aggregated data for US…no way this looks good for industry.

  25. @jilted –
    I don’t want to super inflate your ego or anything, but you’ve taught me well after all this time debating medical issues with you…

    Hahahaha… 😉

  26. I think you misunderstand. My point was that Mike said it was “reported to CDC”. That by itself doesn’t mean much. It doesn’t mean the CDC is involved at all. It means they were told, we have detected a case of _____. That is all you can say about CDC involvement based on Mike’s reporting.

  27. I only have one question. Why is it that the FSC can send out a press release as promptly as they have in regards to the Super Gonorrhea issue, but not send out a press release in regards to their association with Kurt Brackob?

  28. @eric2690

    Reported to CDC is part of CLIA standards…once paper/electronic report goes to CDC…THEY ARE INVOLVED when it comes to certain mandated reportable health issues…that is their job in identifying, treating and preventing communicable disease in the USA. They farm out partner notification to the LHD (local health dept) of partner to be notified while running confirmatory testing…no waiting on certain issues. If the communicable disease is bad enough they also have ways of supporting LHD to test, treat, educate for prevention where treatment isn’t possible….this is a big deal…may be the game changer that HIV should have been with the federal BBP regs developed to minimize and eradicate back in 1991…the very ones the FSC has spent Bookoo bucks in legal reps to skirt, deny and pretend they are above…then again..this could be bullshit…all a ruse to get the porn industry by people like Mc Grath of AHF…what do you honestly think? I could give a shit about the on set transmission… party line…if you performed in the past 45 days…any sane person is wondering…(me I’m grateful to not have that worry tonight, sad for those facing it…can’t imagine being slammed with this stuff, like its carpel tunnel or back ache from non-ergomatic chair at desk job for the sake of a paycheck)

  29. And I don’t believe the FSC has ever released a press release responding to the Alex gonz , Derek Hay hep c allegations.. But they rushed out to respond to this super gonorrhea issue?

  30. @mr Marcus

    Don’t want to lynch any performer….want their anonymity to be respected so they can focus on taking care of themselves…grateful they came forward..sad it happened AGAIN.

    If I’m lynching anyone it is FCS/stakeholders who have let performers bear the cost of testing and treatment for naturally occurring OPIM (potentially infectious material) to create the product they make and profit from. Performers shouldn’t have their names thrown out in public media as the bad guys with FSC/stakeholders blaming them for what could have very well happened on set…as they shout all the way to bank….no on set transmission. Talk about the disease…not the performer.

    Happy Thanksgiving and I hope you are doing well.

  31. Two new cases and all we have is Mike’s word, well then it must be true. But tell me who are they? And did anyone come forward? So lets get this straight we have two patients, who happen to test positive for the new gonorrhea, so where did they happen to test. You have two testing facilities CET and TTS. so which one was it? I bet it was TTS trying to put panic in the industry once again. Sounds like a bunch of bird poop if you ask me, and how convenient, right before a long weekend. I don’t believe one word of it.

  32. @ Monica

    Exactly….publicly deny what they know they are getting burned on over the past year worse than ever before…ignore the elephant in the room…how they fight against 2257…more than one Tom Tom to beat…don’t forget APAP vs SOPA so FSC/stakeholders get their hunt and seek fees and ADDED charge 40/50% to copyright holders to SHARE revenues on hosted sites with consumer uploaded content….yep great watchdogs…

  33. @jw
    Are you not going to believe it till you have a name? Till CDC or LA CTY health dept. puts out press release? Is that what you need for IT to be real? Works for me…time will tell.

  34. It’s ERIK, just copy and paste my username. I’m not saying they aren’t involved. I’m saying you can’t say they are involved based on Mike’s reporting. He only said they “reported” it. Now if you know based on that the CDC becomes more involved than you are providing new info. Mike didn’t specify any involvement though that was my point. I don’t know the protocols, I getting the info Mike gives me and he only said “reported”. Many cases are “reported”, so I didn’t know about more involvement.

  35. You are also assuming the report is true, which is fine. For me at this point there is not enough evidence to believe anyone. I’ll wait for more details.

  36. @Lacey

    You mean there are producers and agents who don’t pay to peek at PASS?
    Not all performers are registered with PASS?
    There are big ..even Major producers of porn outside LA?
    HIPPA might actually work and prevent FSC from knowing everything?
    No on set transmission…is a myth?

    Say it ain’t so! Yer busting my bubble..smashing my ‘clueless cus I’m not on set’ reality. 🙂

  37. Lurking I’ve been in the business for quite awhile now, someone can say there’s 5 new cases of hiv are you suppost to believe it just because someone said it. And Kate is right when she said FSC never released a press release concerning Alex Gonz or Derek Hay and Hep c allegations probably because they were true. But all this is just a bunch of bird poop think about it no more syphilis or hiv hep c so whats left….SUPER GONORRHEA!!! And right before a long weekend like I said how convenient.

  38. Where not hear any thing from LATATA about issue. You think would major issue for them speak out about but no word all from them. The facts to this event are so vague there is any wonder why people call bull shit to story. Even Mike friends LATATA not offering press release on this. If no one in porn indusrty put mandate a moratorium stop porn well this going on how real is this event. Conformation conformation conformation conformation that what missing from blog from reliable source know give reliable information. I have agree with those claim bull shit unitll conformation give buy other porn indusrty new sources.

  39. @erik2690

    Sorry for typo…yes I am assuming that Mike South had his ducks in a row before posting first let alone second post re antibiotic resistant Gonorreah in an industry that provides his daily living.

    Glad to give more info re what CDC does and how they coordinate with LHD to contain communicable disease…as a policy queen I sorta pride myself on that stuff.

    Appreciate your skepticism…wish I could feel it too. As I see it, the blogger host has nothing to gain and everything to lose with a false report of this type…over past few months of research…his word more reliable than FSC. With that..please exercise caution through your skepticism…if you or anyone you know tests pos for GC have them ask for culture at INITIAL pos test…no way to know when or if moratorium will be called but one thing I’ve learned..performers DO CARE and want to be healthy…I know the extra culture cost is asking a lot especially at this time of year…my hope is that it will help keep people healthy and working.

  40. @Richard

    Why would a talent agent make a public statement at this point…surely not in their best interest. They may be a FSC stakeholder and PASS participant but that doesn’t mean they set or implement industry testing standards or issue press releases for issues that aren’t specifically tied to them.

    Has anyone …anywhere on this site even hinted that HAY or LATATA has knowledge, involvement or information about this issue?

    Again LATATA may be a FSC/stakeholder member but they do not get to make the call or press release about moratoriums…they pay FSC to do that dirty work for them.

  41. LurkingReader here issue LATATA state that no longer agree want to be part how FSC handle this matter in porn indusrty . Derek make state ments press releases that LATATA gone take matter like this event in there owen hands. LurkingReader sent Derek biggiest porn talent agent in indusrty you think want people know he doing ever thing make sure they where safe in porn indusrty. LurkingReader last time event like this happen they where neck deep in the event. Derek make lots press releases from LATATA on matter. So when get facts straight come back make good agrument.

  42. BrookeTyler not hard make Rob Black look good over matter becuase so far he has been wrong yet on this matter so can thank Mike for make Rob Black look good on this matter.

  43. Don’t know anyone in the industry, just a weirdo fan who keeps up on some of what is going on. I think you are right it’s hard to see what Mike would gain. That would presume he was lying. I would go more towards the theory of his source being wrong, if this ends up being untrue. In other words even if untrue, I wouldn’t think it was Mike intentionally being false. What is the advantage for the FSC to lie or be way wrong on this story? Doesn’t the FSC have just as much if not more face to lose on this than Mike? At this point it is “he said she said” with no evidence on either side. The burden of proof is on Mike, just based on how hard it is to prove a negative. Much easier to present the facts regarding 1 positive performer, than it is to present on every single performer that tests negative. I can’t imagine if true that the truth won’t come out, if you agree with that, what does the FSC gain from looking like they are behind the curve or liars? My point is your “nothing to gain” argument for Mike can easily be used in the opposite direction. Hopefully more will come out.

  44. How much due you want to bet that the girl suspected a yeast infection or uti that monistat couldnt clear up and went to her gyno or primary doc to get meds only to find out that suprise your infected with gc. Guy may have had the same suspected uti also or did they have a scene together and later she got symptomatic like above and she called him and he high tailed it back to florida to work because he knew he would tedt bad or to get treatment back home away from fsc view.

    Brook or any other girl working in porn in la correct me if you have to go to a pass addociated clinic for any medical issues she may have down there or for a sore throat incase your infected so they can change your status or due u go to your regular gyno or family doc.

  45. I think this is scary myself. I read about this super clap coming online about a year ago and thought that myself at that time. Here is a link to an article discussing this issue:

    From this article they are attempting to preserve the ability of ceftriaxone (which has its own problems as it is injected and not oral) along with Zitromax or doxycycline (both oral) as a drug regimen for gonorrhea. I hope it works for these people. Also I hope this is a wake-up call for the government which can force the drug makers to start researching for another option by threatening Medicare/Medicaid approval (and worst-case, removing that revenue stream for them) for the companies’ current offerings if they refuse to do as they are ordered.

    It may be possible to do a culture to check for antibiotic resistance but few primary doctor’s offices do those anymore. I know I haven’t had a culture done in over 25 years, I just go in with symptoms of whatever and the doc prescribes the appropriate antibiotic. Therefore unless the affected performer happens to go to Dr. Maio (who should have the necessary equipment for a culture to be performed at his main practice, he is an infectious disease specialist after all)

  46. @richard

    I have facts straight….hay nor LATATA has in anyway been Implicated in this matter….don’t expect a press release from talent agent when OSHA and other related regs all point at PRODUCERS vs providers.

    Won’t catch me saying Hay is a wonderful guy…not willing in any way shape or form to attach his other issues to this issue without ANY indication he is involved. If / when that changes…I’ll be first to call out talent agents as a whole. You may know what I don’t know…I’m not clueless..I’m not wreckless either!

    I refuse to call out an individual or specific organization for past sins as proof of current industry woes. With that..let me be clear FSC/stakeholders are a BRAND made up of several organizations who profit off the adult industry…fair game until/unless I have specific details about a Member.

    FSC touts itself as industry watchdog…LATATA may be part of that…making my point is best served by focusing on the the head of venomous snake vs scales along its body.

  47. @Mr Marcus

    This is an industry where people have sex and can die as a result all in the name of monetary gain.

    These performers then have sex outside of the industry.

    There are even some performers that falsify test results. I’m not sure if you are aware of things like that happening, but they do happen.

    When it comes to safety you are actually willing to refer to things being a lynch mob? Would you call syphilitic fellatio a present?

  48. Monica and Rob “Methhead” Black (and BTW he seems extra methed out tonight)– get off it. Yes, we need to get rid of the pedophile but that doesn’t mean we can’t report on other issues, especially one that is as serious a game-changer as an untreatable version of the clap. If I were Mike I would have reported on this as well. I am sure if anything else comes out about the pedophile I am sure Mike will post that ASAP. I really don’t see the cover-up that Rob “Kazoo” Black is accusing the industry of. Rob even has the gall to rail against the people (myself included) that post here.

    Newsflash Rob: We are all against pedophiles and wish we could cut Pedo Treptow’s dick and balls off and shove them down his throat. No amount of posts about this situation will help, especially with super clap needing to be reported so people can protect themselves. Do us a favor and stick to entertaining the masses while high on meth. At least that you are good at.

  49. @ acftmech
    To what I’ve been able to unearth…ONLY ‘approved facilities’ may enter performer availability into PASS database. If performer went to PRIVATE doc..performer may or may not have disclosed…work related exposure risks…private doc must report specific ‘diagnosed’ conditions to local health department. But doc has no obligation or ABILITY to report the same to PASS…(unless they are an APPROVED FACILITY).. Just like CLIA labs who MUST report specific confirmed/SUSPECTED conditions to local health dept. The LHD uses info from these various sources to implement its partner notification..

    Look at LA TIMES its a doozy…FSC and its mouthpieces citing law about how performers don’t have to comply with LHD doing its job of ‘communicable disease follow up’ its laughable how they try to say…our 1st amendment rights to create porn trump your responsibility to cooperate with LHD to contain or limit communicable disease.

    Don’t let them come in and test you….WTF? Okay so you have a right against violation of personal search and seizure….WHY IS FSC AND ITS MOUTH PIECES TELLING PERFORMERS….DON’T COOPERATE WITH THE LHD? WTF do we pay taxes to enable local health dept. to do….what are you paying the FSC to do? Who has the better track record?

    How effective has FSC been at eradicating ANY OPIM? (Glad it ain’t my VJJ on the line.. No matter how this turns out come Monday December 2, 2013 or whatever day you choose, be safe and true to yourself!)

  50. @jw

    I see your point…also have done research…this blog isn’t the one known for Friday press releases to hide, deny, minimize….events affecting industry as a whole. The bloggers most outspoken rival speaks about those FSC..AVN..xbiz..Friday posts to lose what’s important over the weekend…today being Wednesday before a long holiday weekend…I’m putting my ANONYMOUS KEYBOARD WARRIOR rep on the line…blogger has every reason to be truthful…FSC every reason to CYA.

    No I’m not going to believe one guy…I do believe these posts looking at previous history of players involved. In a week if I have egg on my face for all the time and energy I spent on this…lesson learned…my VJJ and throat aren’t on the line…can you say the same? Is your body safe from this issue?

    I don’t need a name and face of infected individual to believe….GC, CT and Herpes among others are an everyday job hazard for you…

    Please take original post and secondary as a caution until more is revealed. If you or anyone you know tests pos for GC …please ask them to have culture for Super GC done at INITIAL diagnosis. Please use barrier protection until you know you and partners are not carrying this life changer.

  51. Actually i did report on it theres just nothing to add and it isnt more than a one day story at this point. Sure I could bully the FSC into a response…Kazoo cant do that. We all know what that response would be though…”We had no idea”

    Then what?

  52. @Jw

    Hypothesis ….you go for routine testing, instead of’s all,good or we can fix this with an antibiotic…you’ll be back to work before you know hear..JW, Don’t know how to tell you the GC we treated you for three weeks ago…yeah well man…it isn’t gonna respond to known antibiotics…you aren’t going back to work before you know it…life has changed…ARE YOU GOING TO PUT YOUR NAME out there like Marcus, bay, Burt’s, wallice and too damn many others? While the people who paid you per scene are crying poor over pirates as excuse to not keep the disease that just changed your life forever…cry poor all the way to attorney and bank? Attorney to fight regs that might have stopped the life changer, 2257 and the piracy they blame for not protecting you?

    Or are you gonna concentrate on working with your docs to find a way to have a LIFE..any kind of life…with reality that you’ll never get another screen name credit w/o some one saying hey…that’s the asshole who…yeah well if your the asshole who….Someone was an asshole before that! Now add reality that the asshole could have been female performer who had not one fucking iota that she had GC…hearing GHOST BUSTERS theme here…you gonna put your name out front and center to be next Marcus, bay, Wallace or …..FSC who denies super GC existence on WEDNESDAY night before Thanksgiving?

    More power to you if you got hose kind of balls!

  53. @Mike

    FSC…Bracknow/treptow (sp) isn’t CURRENTLY listed on any USA sexual offender database, refusing him membership/access would be a violation of his constitutional rights. We don’t have obligation or responsibility to INVESTIGATE individuals willing to support our cause, certainly not when they come in the guise of executive committee members of well known organizations.

    I’d be roflmao I’d it didn’t turn my gut!

  54. I didn’t claim that you didn’t report on it. Rob Black is making that claim. I agree with you Mike that it was a one-day story.

    BTW Rob has went so far as to accuse me of being a pedo (blanking) my kid in the basement. Newsflash Rob Black: I don’t have a basement, I don’t have any kids (although I hate kids with a passion I would never have sex with one and if I walked in on someone having sex with a kid I would take that guy and fuck him up so badly that he would never fuck a kid again) and I don’t support pedophiles. I also don’t support ignoring an important issue such as the super clap, even if it is to keep a post regarding a pedo on top of the page at full attention. We agree on one important point — Pedo Treptow should have his dick and balls cut off and shoved so far up his ass that he shits pieces of them for a month. I guess we will have to disagree on everything else, Rob Black. Enjoy the meth, Rob. Hope you can find a vein to inject it into. You earned it.

  55. What your not getting LurkingReader if was a real issue that effect every body in porn indusrty. Not only would FSC be speaking about this but all of LATATA would be doing so to becuase guess what this issue would directly be relate to talent and agents that work for them. FSC does not represent talent or talent agents directly how ever LATATA does. If was real matter LATATA be directly involved in this matter becuase in interested for them know these thing are go on or not. Becuase talent one can catch this and agents can be held accountable if send any talent that work with any one has dease know they might have dease if they get it. As for LATATA working with FSC find that laughable becuase there is bad blood between FSC LATATA special after Derek told FSC they could pound sand over pass matter that he could do far better job than they could. I am suprise you did read that LurkingReader it was post here Xbizz adultfyi post that long with Avn where Deker state all that . I am not suprise becuase most people not in porn indusrty are not fact checking. But than again some do much better job than FSC did.

  56. If your member LATATA you would be part PASS database. Becuase LATATA members send there talent none APPROVED FACILITY that not part pass database. LATATA has had many press release state they want none there members to be part PASS database.

  57. @richard

    Well aware of history btwn LATATA and FSC. This is a REAL ISSUE even if reports come up to be disputed or negated by FSC. Do you need a name of performer before you believe?

    More than one Tom Tom to beat in this industry on any given day…beating varied drums doesn’t make either less valid! Doesn’t matter that other mouths are more interested in pedophiles today than disease…doesn’t mean those more interested in disease aren’t interested in bidding good riddance to pedophiles.

    FSC is known for their Friday press releases…ask yer buddy…today is Wednesday before long Holiday w/e (aka Friday press release)….no ACTIVE performer…I’ll bite…they went INACTIVE and DUKE/FSC is a mushroom in the dirt after trying to toss approved testing facilities under bus when performer tested pos for HepC…are you gonna give FSC any more than they are paying for? Hell no…so all FSC knows is that performers are available or NOT…no clue why they aren’t available…DUKE comes out does what she is paid to do…protect the interests of FSC/stakeholders with announcement…no on set transmission…false blah blah blah

    Give it a week or ten days….NO ONE TESTS POS for resistant GC…I’ll write a nice post apologizing to …you, black and duke….till then..more will be revealed. In ten days if more tests come back pos…are you gonna revisit stance attacking site host?

  58. All these things about the wording and that they went”INACTIVE” before the press release. All these might be true, but until you provide evidence or proof in is pure opinion and speculation. It could genuinely mean that they don’t know anything about these infected individuals. It might not be some word trickery. We don’t know. Unless, you do know, in which case please lay out that info. Again, I think what your saying could be true and is maybe likely, but nothing more than opinion at this stage.

  59. ERIK, like everyone else, especially the FSC, knows that it would be an invasion of privacy to publicly out either of the two positive individuals. Erik, you challenge to name names or not be believed is disingenuous. You challenge someone to commit a felony in order to prove their point.
    This is pure FSC bullshit. They know full well they can HIDE behind HIPPA and keep everything quiet when it suits them, and when it suits them they have no porblem violating others privacy to cover their asses.

    What would be the benefit for either of these two to come forward, so the industry can attack them like Lara Rox, Cameron Bay, Rod Daily?

    ERIK, the CDC does not get thousands of reports of antibiotic resistant gonnoreah every year. And I would agree that perhaps Dianne Duke does not know anything and if this is true, that is what she should have said, “We do not know of any infections” but she said ther are none, and time WILL TELL if this is true or NOT.

  60. If anyone thinks this is frustrating then you know exactly how we feel when we hear no on-set transmissions, our testing system works and performers claiming they’ve never had an STD.

    The FSC and performers can say these things because there’s NO way to prove them wrong…

    Kinda like this situation… Mike gets confirmed information and wants to alert everyone or even if he decided to just put up the unconfirmed information from a random source he could do either, but he is not allowed, by law, to release any specifics due to HIPPA laws. Shit, Mike could potentially say whatever he wanted and the FSC couldn’t necessarily prove he was wrong. The FSC aren’t the only ones who are able to hide behind HIPPA laws.

    See how that works? See how it’s completely and absolutely frustrating when people make claims with absolutely no proof? They hide behind HIPPA laws or they throw a testing clinic under the bus or whatever… It’s so god damn frustrating.

    Welcome to my world.

    With that said, I trust Mike more than the FSC and his sources are generally pretty damn good so I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt for now.

  61. Here some thing think about LATATA told members not corporate with FSC buy not send talent through there APPROVED FACILITY not share any information with FSC on matters unless clear through LATATA. So know that how does make just issue for FSC deal with alone??? So put LATATA very much in this debate not just on side line of issue becuase stuck neck out soon declair they did have they did have follow FSC safety protocol they had there owen in place that are better. LurkingReader not fan FSC rath go after them on issues stick to them like glue like why are there pedophilia still funding working in FSC??? Why is no one porn indusrty up set about fact pedophilia is in there political wing. Why is no one think wow time FSC should be getting that pedophilia out FSC?? Think about this LurkingReader well ever one worry about issue pedophilia funding the FSC who part there ranks. When people outside porn indusrty look this matter see there pedophilia in FSC are gone care about dease care more there pedophilia in FSC??? Do what nature of what pedophilia is compare dease they only get from have sex porn star what think gone matter more to them. Any one to sensitive read my opion go read some one else opions here that you well like other than mine. I well not be offend if do not read my opions. I well not be offend if disagree with me. But waste your breath think gone change my opions that gone back down from my opions. If I disagree with opions head bloger on this site gone state just like those people disagree with Foxs new or Msbnc commentaries on issues they support. They allow this. They do not shrink complain about matter.

  62. No I didn’t ask you to name names. I said that your theories and parsing of words is just opinion not fact. That remains true. And yes you eventually need evidence or proof to find out who is right in a “he said she said” dispute.

  63. The “no on-set transmission” specifically for the most recent HIV situation always seemed believable to me. Can someone explain why that is so unlikely? All 3 of the people were friends and we know for a fact that 2 were having sexual contact off-set. Imagining the third was as well doesn’t seem that hard. As far as how it got into that group. 1 of them could easily had sex (or done other) with an HIV+ person off-set that had nothing to do with porn. I don’t know if this scenario is true, obviously. Can someone explain what makes the scenario I laid out so unbelievable? Granted I am only talking about a recent story and only 1 type of disease. I get you probably meant it in a broader STD sense.

  64. Can anyone tell me? Mike has specified he heard from 1 performer who claimed to be infected. Does anyone know if he could legally let us know if it was the Florida or Cali one he was in contact with? I mean he already specified those 2 locations and I think that could be important info.

  65. It was more the timing that made it suspect. I haven’t gone back to double check the timeline, but if memory serves the FSC was making that statement before testing was even completed for those that had worked with the HIV+ performers between the positive tests and prior negative tests. Until those two rounds of test are done, and everyone is negative, you can’t know yet if there has been any on set transmission, assuming that the initial positives were infected off set.

    The other thing to keep in mind whenever the FSC speaks of performers, they’re only talking about Porn Valley. Performers in he rest of the porn industry don’t exist for their purposes.

  66. I see what you mean and I wasn’t saying the statement they made was true. I just don’t get why people act like that scenario I mentioned is so unlikely or ridiculous. Both things can be true. They may have jumped the gun and also been correct in their statement. My point was can anyone explain why the scenario of the last HIV transmissions happening off-set is so looney? In my brain it didn’t seem that implausible.

  67. @Richard

    First issue revealed to me…disease…second issue 2257….the form used to verify performer age &ID…third APAP…that’s enough for my plate, until or unless I choose to place more there.

    In no way shape or form have I or will I ever condone exposing a person under the age of 18 to the porn industry. Read through my I even got grief for shouting so much and so loud about keep our kids well as keep performers safe.

    As far as this jerk funding an FSC event…too fucking bad for you that I have enough on my plate to take up that fight too!!! What are you doing about it besides trying to pick fights with people on your side? What research have you done besides listen to another industry insider doing a great job letting everyone know about this? Have you researched history for similar situations? How many times in the past year (5years) has FSC offered membership to people like this jerk? How many others have sponsored events?

    Lastly…do some homework…FSC held EARLY nominations and elections…will bet you a wooden nickel that once new board is in place (or before) FSC will release a bullshit press release if they are pushed hard enough on this issue…something like this….unfortunately the jerk was not a registered sex offender at the time of introduction to the FSC which allowed him to slip through cracks. The board members who vouched for the jerk have been replaced. We moved up our INTENDED plan to prevent such occurrences in the future….

    That is the REAL world….the world of policy and politics in pursuit of the almighty fucking dollar. The world where the FSC is happier than a pig in shit to see people outed by name for disease, kiddie Porn, and piracy…if you’re talking about those people …you aren’t looking at the crap FSC is doing to allow this shit to happen day after day. Go look up litigation filed by FSC and 14 plaintiffs in Sept 2013, Cleveland Oh appellate court to try and overturn 2257…no 2257 …no way for big brother to see the FSC actively supports use of underage people in porn. Is that sticky like glue enough for you?

  68. @erik2690

    Every time HIV shows up the FSC party line right out of the gate is…no on set transmission. Even in the ten year workers comp case a producer lost, court documents show FSC advocating the party line…no on set transmission…

    HepC …..FSC moves up INTENDED PLAN…no word about …no on set transmission. This isn’t first time FSC moved up INTENDED plan to implement new testing protocols, not even third or fourth!!!!

    Now we got super GC…first day South blogs re suspicion..heads up..take care of yourself. Second day..
    Noon…South posts…confirmation
    1pm …Black is beating his drum re kiddie porn but acknowledges that this may be just isn’t Blacks priority this week.
    2pm…TRPWL…AHF hands out condoms at Cal/OSHA…..crying wolf again
    Xbiz….FSC, Rumor untrue
    TRPWL…FSC, Rumor untrue
    3pm…..South…FSC claims none
    4pm….AVN….AHF hands out condoms @ CAL/OSHA crying wolf again…also no mention that for every mouth AHF puts in these meetings FSC has a matching voice.
    5pm….xxxxwasteland…FSC, Rumor untrue
    ………..FSC finally posts on their own site…rumor untrue.

    Why would TRPWL and AVN both put out the AHF post on 11/27 regarding a meeting 11/21 yep six days before? Why would FSC push logo press release to several sites before posting on their own? Because it is the same thing they always do! Which actually makes it easier to believe SUPER GC is out there. either way..more will be revealed and I hope performers will err on side of caution to protect themselves in the meantime.

  69. @erik2690

    Yes it is opinion and speculation at this point. Looking at track would be best to err on side of caution as the coming days reveal more.

    We are pointing out…just like we are not able to do more than opine and speculate at this point..neither is Duke /FSC.

  70. @Lacey

    Am so getting the frustration you tried to explain to me when I first showed up 🙂

    Hope you ate too much too and enjoyed every bit of it!

  71. True. I can’t speak for you, but “Duke /FSC” certainly has more access to direct info than I do. I hear your point though.

  72. Don’t know what you are responding to. If you look at my post, it was a very specific question. Had nothing to do with this Super GC incident or FSC at large. I asked a question about 1 scenario, at 1 time, in regards to 1 disease. Maybe, you were trying to answer me, but it was pretty round about and more just about you saying FSC aren’t trustworthy. Not trying to say they are. My question wasn’t really about any organization, it was about the likelihood of a specific scenario.

  73. It could have been off set…never got real info beyond the std party line, the rest was speculation…even w respect to third performer who chose to keep their info private…that’s the problem…no way to know.

  74. LurkingReader what real world are talking about. Can confrim any thing you have said. So not from indusrty your state facts about FSC that have no conformation other than your owen word. LurkingReader upset debunk wild theory about FSC that have state here. What have done but make wild staement about FSC here with no conformation of who what you done make change FSC other than your say so. So LurkingReader what are working hard at. Wow people have out sider again think becuase he talks bad about FSC blames for this issue make effect change there anonymously. Wow that so funny all most joke. Contradict your self buy make this statement “In no way shape or form have I or will I ever condone exposing a person under the age of 18 to the porn industry. Read through my I even got grief for shouting so much and so loud about keep our kids well as keep performers safe”. Than state this As far as this jerk funding an FSC event…too fucking bad for you that I have enough on my plate to take up that fight too!!! What are you doing about it besides trying to pick fights with people on your side? What research have you done besides listen to another industry insider doing a great job letting everyone know about this? Have you researched history for similar situations? How many times in the past year (5years) has FSC offered membership to people like this jerk? How many others have sponsored events? So care about kids state well so what there nothing wrong with pedophilia being in porn indusrty how many other thing in porn indusrty past that have pedophilia funding it that no one care about when they where caught. You care about kids you explain world well I see no issue not get pedophilia out FSC becuase that just to much hard work. Wow so this kind wise words from outside porn indusrty gone save indsurty any one see insanity. So LurkingReader your fine pedophilia in FSC becuase you have no control getting him out so ok with you if stay there. Wow where common cents sage advice Mike. LurkingReader where confirmation come from I fact check gues what nothing that have said about change made at FSC have been confirm or anouce yet in indusrty other than buy you. I have enough spin fairy tales on suject. So call quites move on from subject you all can care on debate with anonymous none indusrty people think there doing some buy posting alot hot air facts with no confirmation to them at all but from them.

  75. @richard

    Do have a clue what 2257 is? It stems from child protection…go read some regulations

    WTF??? If you want to say I’m trying to say something…post in quotes where I ever say I’m good with that crap…otherwise GFY…

    You haven’t confirmed what I say because you haven’t gone to references,,,,the lawsuits filed by FSC…regulations and policies cited. I’m not making them look bad…they do that well enough w/o my help.

  76. Well nobodu wants to discuss the fact that are patients went to a gyno or primary doc who discovered illness. Second I don’t know is if you don’t hit a pass testing lab every month or two weekz will your name go inactive or unavailable like a positive std test? I bet diane duke could due a little detective work and see how many didn’t retest starting 3 weks ago that are now inactive. Hell I guess to keep that std clean industry Is to keep saying active performers. Poor girl and guy find out they have std from their regular doctor they won’t test at cet or similar lab to find out as a dirty person. They will go inactive till thry test clean. So Diane Duke and FSC how many persons went inactive in the last 3 weeks? I am betting well over 2. Hate tell you cal-osha can get redacted std data from the health department with only profession and infection reported dares to justify telling you to take a flying leap and condoms and other precautins to protect general public from your cesspool overrides your free speech arguments.

    To lace, lurking, brooke taylor, and Mike. Happy thanksgiving and hope you have a great weekend.

  77. Certainly. No way to know for sure. I felt like people were making it seem like an impossible scenario for that specific incident to happen off set. I was simply making the point that it didn’t seem wholly improbable to me.Granted I was just talking about that specific circumstance. You certainly seem to know more about the past and pattern of the FSC than I do.

  78. The other thing to keep in mind is the FSC are ONLY talking about performers who are in the PASS system where the ONLY information available is a Y/N (yes
    to work or no to work.) The FSC doesn’t get individual test results. The only thing they would know is who is available to work and who isn’t…
    Meaning someone could have tested HIV+, they would be listed as unavailable to work in PASS and public health officials would be notified. THAT’S IT.
    FSC wouldn’t know anything about it unless the performer told FSC.

    To make it even MORE complicated… A performer tests HIV+ and is listed as unavailable to work. The performer steps out or retires from the business for a while during which time they take enough anti-virals to get their viral load low enough to not show up on test results.

    Go back to testing center and test again. Get a clean test since their viral loads are undetectable via testing and they’re back at work in no time.

    And, the FSC didn’t know a fucking thing about it.

    This is why when the FSC makes these stupid press releases that no one is infected all of us roll our eyes and laugh.

    There is no way possible for them to make this statement!! The FSC isn’t the CDC or even county health officials. So, how in the fuck would the FSC even know enough information to make a claim that there are no infections???

    Given HIPPA laws, It’s impossible for them to know. The CDC or health officials could give you statistics, but they can’t release info. either.

    Y/N is all the FSC has to go on unless a testing facility leaks it or the performer tells them.

  79. @erik2690

    Your theory is entirely plausible….no hard facts to develop any conclusions. That is the way FSC seems to like it.

    Learned most of what I know about FSC from their public postings, AVN, xbiz etc and then researched with help the lawsuits….turned my stomach….there are people here who can tell you three months ago…I had no clue..didn’t understand why they wouldn’t do an initial antibody test for HIV, then do PCR screening…heard voice of experience when they said…it’s all about the money in porn.

    Recall going around..industry standards..expecting that any and all legitimate industries would do all they could to prevent this stuff coming back time &time again to haunt them..causing three moratoriums in one year…sure STAKEHOLDER producers had enough content to tide them over..what about independents and performers? It was preventable.

  80. LurkingReader you do not explain at all what 2257 has do with blog above. Lawsuite keep saying confirmed ever thing you have state here so far off subject blog it laughable . I am still wait see what effect are talking about 2257 has had on matter of FSC have a pedophilia funding working in it. Look how desperate this gotten have people not in porn inusdrty toss ever stupid excuse conspiracy theory prove there right r on matter with FSC yet they can not confrim there right with concrete facts they use in stead there limited knowledge of what they do know about indusrty than state thing like 2257 supports them must make them right. LurkingReader only thing have done made ever one over at FSC laugh really hard with opions. If Diane Duke was reading your opions she be laugh so hard at them she be weting her self from laughing her ass off at them. You do not have worry about make FSC look bad becuase you did do so. You did one good job on this in my opion not any one else embarrassing self on this matter. If want keep on doing that fine buy me LurkingReader. I have said what want on this matter done repsond to you over it. Good day

  81. Seems to make sense. I would argue that most regulating structures in any industry can be deceived if someone wanted to. Most regulating structures can never have 100% of the information. If the scenario you laid out about someone with HIV gaming the system took place, as a person I would have trouble blaming that on anyone but that person. You can’t ask any organization to control every action. If someone goes to those lengths to knowingly expose others, that is 100% on them. I think if a statement is made like press releases people would assume it is only based on the knowledge available. If they would say “no HIV that we could detect”, that would be more factual, but people here would then attack for tricky “that we could detect” wording. If made as a factual statement it is attacked because they can’t possibly know for sure. I understand your overall point, not to trust FSC to know much. Based on that principal you can’t then say “Mike is right because he says someone told him this was true”. Hopefully more facts will come soon, from somewhere.

  82. The other thing that really bugs me is why the heck does Mike know the # of performers infected and the # of people they had contact with, but no one in the industry at large has been made aware. Let’s be honest if this source or these performers were out to help people they wouldn’t tell just 1 blogger in Georgia. If these performers thought this was a serious spread risk and were in any way good people, interested in helping others, they would be sounding alarms to every site and agency in the industry. Who are they helping by informing 1 person through a source? Tell FSC or at least a second source so it doesn’t look like a “he said she said”. Please tell me what type of people would be confident enough to leak to 1 blog, but not to help others? So weird to me. You want to stay just hidden enough to keep doubt on this story and keep a stoppage from occurring? What sense does that make? I truly don’t understand the logic of not sounding alarms. These performers could contact FSC, let them no to take serious precautions, validate the story and stay anonymous to the outside world. What the eff are they doing?

  83. @Lurk –
    Ahh.. the frustration. And, we’re the ones who get accused of screaming and hollering. We’re the fear mongers!!!! The screaming isn’t from trying to scare people or some shit… it’s due to pure frustration.

    Yep. I ate too much all right!! I actually fell asleep on the couch about 15min. after I finished eating. I’m like one of the old men who fall asleep after a big meal.

    It was pretty pathetic. As friends were leaving they would wake me up to say bye and the only thing I could say was “Well, sorry I didn’t get to talk to you. Please tell me I wasn’t snoring?”

    What kind of hostess passes out on the couch in the middle of the den at her own Thanksgiving dinner. I would be embarrassed, but they all understood. I was REALLY tired. Haha.
    At least it was at my own house. I guess it would have been more rude to just go lay in my bed?? 😉

  84. @lacey

    Glad you had good Thanksgiving…every party with good food and friends needs at least one ceiling sucker for amusement. Wouldn’t it suck to wake with plaster bits in mouth?

  85. Ceiling sucker. I LOVE IT, LOL. Hope you don’t mind me using that. Hell, it may be my new screen name.

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