Supreme Court Nominee Elena Kagan No Friend of the First Amendment


“We should be looking for new approaches, devising new arguments,” Kagan declared, according to video of the event reviewed by POLITICO. She seemed to count herself among “those of us who favor some form of pornography and hate speech regulation” and told participants that “a great deal can be done very usefully” to crack down on such evils.

“Statutes may be crafted in ways that prohibit the worst of hate speech and pornography, language that goes to sexual violence. Such statutes may still be constitutional,” Kagan assured the meeting. She pressed for “new and harsher penalties against the kinds of violence against women that takes place in producing pornography, the use of pandering statutes and pimp statutes against pornographers…perhaps the initiation—the enactment of new statutes prohibiting the hiring of women for commercial purposes to engage in sexual activities.”

A review of Kagan’s writings, public comments, and legal briefs offers a series of indications that she stands in the camp of left-leaning legal academics who view pornography as a social evil that the government should be taking more action to control.

Some of Kagan’s proposals, particularly her call for more prosecutions under the largely dormant obscenity laws, are highly controversial among civil libertarians and First Amendment advocates.

I have said it before and I will say it again. if you think the Democrats are our friends you have your head in the sand. They can and will sell us out if there is a shred of political gain in it and right now porn is NOT being seen by the general public as some benign threat. So there is political gain. There’s a storm coming and if Kagan gets confirmed , and she likely will, that’s one more nail in our coffin.

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Supreme Court Nominee Elena Kagan No Friend of the First Amendment

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5 Responses

  1. “Statutes may be crafted in ways that prohibit the worst of hate speech and pornography, language that goes to sexual violence. Such statutes may still be constitutional.”

    Wow. Sneaky crafting of statutes to prohibit pornography and speech. Yeah. I know as a kid every time my mother cracked the whip about me not doing something, without talking to me about it, I never wanted to do it. Didn’t even think about it. Ha!! It’s that same control freak mentality. She never could get that she made it more prominent in my mind by shutting me down. It is definitely about political gain, because anyone with common sense knows language and an industry as large as the adult industry doesn’t just “go away”. They’ll always focus on the worst of the worst while they bypass all the happy adults making movies and very obviously enjoying themselves. People who get left behind through a law that shuts down their livelihood, forcing them into the scary position of starting over when they don’t want to do anything else, or running underground where they are no longer safe because they can’t talk about it.

  2. if you look at history whether you like it or not. The left is much more harmless to porn than the right is. If 911 didnt happen porn was going to be job for ashcroft.

  3. I see, so because cancer wont kill me as quickly as being shot in the head I should be happy I have cancer?

    Come on, everyone of these asshats that would circumvent the constitution to bend it to their own will is our enemy and the enemy of all real Americans doesnt matter if its Ashcroft or Kagan the end result is the same. They are ALL a cancer on this country

  4. It is only getting worse

    The move to shut down and regulate the Internet under a new government-controlled system has accelerated into high gear with the announcement that the government’s cybersecurity strategy revolves around issuing Internet users with ID “tokens” without which they will not be able to visit websites, the latest salvo against web freedom which, in combination with Senator Joe Lieberman’s ‘kill switch’ bill, will serve to eviscerate the free Internet as we know it.

    BARRY SOETORO oops sorry I mean Barack H Obama is the worst thing to have to freedom ever.

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