SLLAB, Another Corpse:

SLLAB, Another Corpse:

Word I get is that SLLAB is now all but out of business. Despite the relative success of “Meet The New Neighbors” The company is swimming in red ink and has laid off most of the staff. Generally this isn’t all that significant but word I get is that rocker Eddie Van Halen was most of the financing behind SLLAB (thats BALLS backwards)

From what I understand its the same old story…starved out by the big distributors who took a large amount of product and never paid, figuring if they waited long enough that they company would fold and they wouldn’t have to pay, sadly this is business as usual in porn where on time is considered less than 120 days past due.

I Leave For Vegas Tomorrow READ THIS!

I will be covering the show for a national magazine, both photos and written word. I have a lot of party and event invites. I am asking all of you to PLEASE be respectful of my time. I want to cover your event and give it the ink that it deserves. So here’s the deal. If you are inviting me to your event and want coverage I am more than happy to see to it that you get it, BUT if you put me in some sort of line and expect me to wait to get in you will be left out because I will leave. Period. No ifs ands or buts. I have multiple things to cover every night and I am not going to ignore someone else who was gracious enough to invite me because you didnt plan properly. This also goes for Jes who will be shooting for me as well.

Thanks In Advance!

In My Absense Goddess Will Be Doing My Updates…God Help Us.

I Want To Thank Everyone:

Who heard me on the radio this weekend several times, commenting on the Melissa Wolfe, Country Club Madam, Sugarloaf Sweeties or whatever you want to call it.

I had very good shows, I have been successful at pointing out the abuse of the RICO statutes and the errors in reporting on the case. I want to thank everyone for all the supportive emails and phone calls apparently at least sound bites of what I said have been heard nationwide. Thanks Y’all

On A Not So Happy Note:

Some of you may have noticed that lately I have been walking with a bit of a limp. I have been to doctors about this and I have had an electromyogram and a Convective(?) Nerve Test. It wasn’t fun.

They are going to do an MRI to make sure that it isnt lower spine related but they are quite sure that what I have is Charkot-Marie Tooth Disease. Basically it is a genetic neurological disorder that affacts motor and sensory nerves in the extremities. It isn’t life threatening and because of the late onset it probably wont incapacitate me. Just a bit of an inconveience. It cant be cured (though stem cell research may offer hope…Thanks Little Boots)

It progresses very slowly so if ya see me limping you know why….I don’t want sympathy or anything I have a great life, and I’m thankful for that, it’s just that I generally write about my life here…good and bad and in reality this aint all that bad. I will let everyone know what the MRI reveals.

Trash Can Man Writes:

“How the hell did you score that graphic for Pirates 2? That’s quite the scoop, I’m sure your buddy Adella is unhappy. Nice job man, it’s good to see the little guy score one now and then.”

Ya that was petty nifty huh? But I never give up a source.

94190cookie-checkSLLAB, Another Corpse:

SLLAB, Another Corpse:

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Mike South

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